Chapter 6: Purudator?

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"W-Waaaait! What's this about!" I yelled as I quickened my pace to prevent the ants from catching up to me.


"Why are you laughing?!" Eren simply laughed as a response to my question. It can't be that they did something very foolish...right? I turned toward Kaval and Gido, and even though their faces were facing forward, I could somehow feel that they were averting their eyes. Haaah, still, this can't remain as is.

I stopped in my tracks as I wielded my sword, and turned around to face the ants. There were four of them. It hadn't been even a minute since I had started running, but I had noticed how the distance between them and us was gradually shrinking. If we continued running like that, they would've catched up to us eventually. Therefore, I had to take these ants out right now. Still, it wasn't such a good option doing that as well. If I fight right now, the odds of Ifrit taking control are incredibly high... I could also flee by myself, but... I really do not want Eren and the others to die here...

Having made up my mind, I strongly gripped the handle of my sword and prepared to go on the offensive. I could hear how Eren and the others had stopped running too, perhaps shocked at my actions. Even so, I did not turn around to look at them, nor did I speak a single word. I simply reinforced my determination and changed my body into a stance to deliver the first blow...

At that moment—

"[Purudator]!" I could hear a childish voice coming from my right. The ants noticed the voice as well and turned to look for the source, but at that moment, something appeared in both of our lines of sight.

The thing that appeared looked like a large blanket that was colored with a dark shade of red, but it was pretty clear that the thing was nothing of the type. The thing extended itself over the air—to a size that couldn't be called small anymore—and began floating forward, completely ignoring the laws of gravity. In less than a few seconds, the thing was thrown over the ants, wrapping them as if they were presents. I could only stare at it wide-eyed. Then, it suddenly disappeared from sight, along with the ants and a few trees who were unfortunately caught in the process.

I turned to my right, and saw a little girl with bright red hair and eyes that were as purple as amethysts. She appeared to be no older than four or five years old, and was staring deep into the forest as if waiting for someone.

"Papaaaaaa! Mamaaaaa! I did itttt!!!" She exclaimed, and in the next second, two more figures appeared from within the trees. They were two beautiful women, one with bluish-silver hair, and another one with bright silver hair that had strokes of red here and there.

The little girl started running toward them with her hands stretched out forward...

"Sweeeeeetieeeeeee!!! Stoppppp!!!"

"Honeeeyyyyy! Don't do thaaaaat!!!!!" The two women made a worried face as they moved to the side while yelling. The little girl stopped moving and tilted her head curiously, but in the next instant, the place where the women were previously standing was covered with the same thing that had wrapped the ants previously, and the trees within a 15 meter radius from that area disappeared.

"Ah." The little girl said as she turned around, but then again, the area of trees lying in the direction she just turned to disappeared as well. It could be clearly seen that the thing that had made many things disappear up till now was originating from a type of vortex that resembled a black hole more than anything. Not only did everything that was covered by that deathly blanket disappear, but also everything seemed to be pulled in towards the vortex in the girl's hand.

"Papaaaaaaaa!" Noticing the destruction that she was causing, tears started appearing on her face as she turned to look at the blue-haired woman. Of course, her hand was also pointed toward the woman, and it could be seen how the color was draining from her face.

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