Random Thing About Bose

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Hey guys what's up? So, can we talk about Bose for a second? Okay, so, we know that Bose is a ladies man. The girls at Club Soda, Bose's 1,000 dates, Lilith, Glerp, Mika, and Chapa. They all fell for Bose. But Bose only has eyes for one:Chapa. And here's what I think you wanna know what I think? I think that the girls at Club soda, Bose's 1,000 dates, Lilith, Glerp, and Mika ONLY fell for Bose because of his looks. But Chapa fell for Bose not only for his looks, but for his personality. Maybe even JUST his personality! When Chapa had her phone, she was so happy, but when a boy stole it, she was angry, but then she met Bose, and he made her happy again! He makes her happy, smile, laugh and giggle. Everyone else is afraid of Chapa, but Bose can see the kindness in her eyes. I'm so happy Bose and Chapa found each other. Bose and Chapa met each other at Planes-A-Plenty and something brought those two together to meet there. Call it what you will, fate, destiny, You Guys:"Drex." Anyway, I think Bose and Chapa's relationship is getting stronger, and when their actors get more comfortable with each other, maybe they'll kiss! Hopefully! So, cross your fingers...and all other parts of you...in hopes that will happen. *Sigh* I just hope in my heart that someday, Bose and Chapa kiss, reveal their feelings for each other, become boyfriend and girlfriend, and then go on a date! But for now, I just have to hope for that to come true. I have a wish that I hold in my heart. Sometimes I keep it secret, sometimes I tell people close to me. But all I want more than anything is for my wish to come true. Oops! I shouldn't have told you guys that! Because if you tell a wish, it won't come true! After all, a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep, you will lose your heartaches(The girls at Club Soda)whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving(Bose's 1,000 dates) If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true And perhaps someday...The dreams that I wish will come true No matter how your heart is grieving(Lilith) if you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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