Dinner with the Thirteen's

Start from the beginning

On the 666th floor, three individuals sat around the table with an intense atmosphere. The Three Greats: Belial, Lady Levi, and Sullivan. "Let's settle this once and for all," Belial said. 

"Of course." Lady Levi said just as seriously as him. It felt like a battle might happen but it was not the way anyone would see it. The Two Great Demons slammed pictures on the table at the same time as a child in their possession. 

"My grandchild is the cutest!" Exclaimed Belial. "Look at his wittle hands! Nothing can be cuter!" He showed a picture, 

"No, what determines the better grandchild is how proficient they are! My grandchild is the best!" She disagreed and showed him her picture. 

"He may be smart, but his personality is twisted!" He responded. 

"You're the last person I want to hear talk about a twisted personality!" She hissed. 

"Okay, you get to be the judge today, as usual, Su-chan." He waved his hand to him but there was no feedback from him. That's when they looked at him now. "Su-chan?"

Lord Sullivan chuckled. "I'm not the same demon I used to be." He replied with a glint in his glasses. He proceeded to cheer as he showed them what he meant. "Behold! I have a grandchild now, too!" He laughed with great joy. 

"Wh-What?!" Both of them yelled dumbfoundedly.

"Another thing too, I have my own student to teach personally. You can also say she's like my daughter as well, so two of them in fact!"

"W-Wait a second. You don't even have a child! How do you have a grandchild?" Belial questioned as he pointed at him. 

"How did you skip over that and get a grandchild? What happened in between there?!" Lady Levi also questioned with just as much bewilderment as Belial. 

"Oh, I used a little lifehack."

"Wow, they're both such a cutie." Lady Levi complimented as they took a look at the pictures of his son and his favorite student. 

"I know right?! Aren't they the cutest?" 

"But he doesn't look at all like you," Belial said. 

"You didn't kidnap him, did you?" She asked. 

"No comment." He snickered after turning his head away and it caused the two to look at each other with slight concern. 

"But now we don't have a judge," Belial said. 

"Should we summon little Bel?" Inquired Lady Levi.

"But..." Sullivan trailed off and looked down, placing his finger under his chin. There was a loud disturbance on the bottom floor that was the floor under them. "They seem pretty busy."

"I'm sure they're arguing about the absence of the Demon King and Demon Lord again," Belial said. 

"They sure are lively." She commented. 

"Well? Should we decide on a Demon King then?" Asked Sullivan.

"if we're gonna decide with cards, sure." He proposed and this caused Sullivan to scowl at him. "No way! You always cheat, Beli-yan!" 

"Oh, who cares how you decide? Just decide already." She dismissed their yapping. 

The two men glanced at each other a few times before Belial spoke. "Hey, why'd you weasel your way out of this decision?" 

"Well, age holds superiority in these matters, doesn't it?" She placed her hand on her right cheek. "As a youth, I humbly remove myself from this decision."

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