Ayato x Venti

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Venti sat at a bar with his two archon companions, Zhongli and Raiden Shogun. The Shogun, or Ei as she asked to be called, had invited Zhongli to Inazuma for some reason Venti didn't care enough about to remember. The bard decided to tag along, simply because he could and wanted to. Zhongli was happy to oblige after some grumbling about drunk bards wandering off to places and how he didn't want to be a babysitter. Venti paid no mind to the old man's grumbling.

When they arrived, Ei was waiting for them personally on the docks. She had welcomed Zhongli formally and with reserved kindness. As for the unexpected guest, let's just say she almost sent him back to Mondstat, were it not for Zhongli explaining who he was.

Venti now sat next to a very drunk Ei, who kept crying and laughing and crying, and a very somber (not sober) Zhongli. Venti himself was of course drunk, but he didn't mind. There were very few times he wasn't, usually only when something important that has to do with him happens.

Venti stood, albeit wobbly, and climbed on top of the bar. The crowd (excluding Zhongli and Ei) all turned to see what this strange green boy was doing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Venti the bard! I would like to sing a song about me and my friends here," he gestured to Zhongli and Ei, "from a long time ago. I won't take no for an answer! Enjoy!" He winked.

Venti took out his lyre (he stole it from the church again) and began to play. The room was silent as they listened to the bard's song.

There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
She will tear your city down
O ley o lei o lord

He gestured to Ei, who was laughing mercilessly.

There will come a poet
Who's weapon is his words
He will slay you with his tongue
O ley o lei o lord

Venti spun around and pointed to himself, and winked.

There will come a ruler
Who's brow was laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy
O ley o lei o lord

He held his hand out to Zhongli, who had his eyes closed and his hands in his lap.

As he finished, the entire bar was silent. One man started clapping, his light blue hair shining like water in the light of the bar. Once the rest of the bar turned to the stranger, it was like a switch was flipped. Everyone in the bar joined in, and soon Venti was greeted with roaring applause. He caught the eye of the strange man, who nodded his head out the door. The patrons were busy chatting again, and Venti couldn't care what his company was doing. He wanted to know who the strange man was.

The bard followed the man until they reached a small shop that sold something called dango milk. "I'll take two, please."

"Yes Sir Kamisato, right away."

The blue haired man, without looking in Venti's direction, said "You put on quite a show. That bar is typically quiet this time of night."

Venti smiled, but he was still unsure if this man was to be trusted. "Thank you. My songs get me free drinks, usually."

"Oh? Do they now? Well, it just so happens that I bought two of these drinks. Would you like one?"

Venti was slightly confused, but intrigued nonetheless. "Well sure, if you're paying."

The blue haired man smiled and turned to him. Venti saw stunning violet eyes, a playful smile, and a mole right below his lip that accentuated his appearance. He thought this man was striking.

"My name is Ayato. And you are?"

"Venti, Venti the bard."


Venti looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"You are the god of wind, are you not?"

Venti tried to mask his surprise, but failed due to intoxicating circumstances. "How did you know?"

Ayato smiled. "Simple. I deduced it."

He didn't explain anymore, and Venti wasn't inclined to ask. "Alright. So where's this drink?"

Ayato laughed quietly. He came closer to Venti, who momentarily stopped breathing, and held out his sleeve. "Here" he said, and pulled an entire cup out of it.

Venti's eyebrows shot up his forehead. He grabbed Ayato's sleeve and peered inside, only to see nothing there. "How did you do that??"

Ayato simply shrugged. "It's just something I can do. Here, take it."

Venti took the drink, and examined it. There was nothing unusual about it, which left Venti even more stumped. It must have shown on his face, because Ayato laughed freely. It was a nice sound, and Venti thought he wanted to hear it more.

After he had calmed down, the blue haired man took Venti's free hand in his own, and kissed the back of it. "It was pleasure meeting you, sir bard. Perhaps we could meet again in the near future." He let go and took out a pen. "Your drink, if you please?"

Venti handed the drink back to Ayato, who wrote something down before giving it back. The blue haired man winked and left, raising his hand in a slight wave behind him.

Venti, very much confused, looked at what he had written:

Kamisato Residence.
Ask for Thoma, he'll get you to me. I hope to see you soon. <3


Venti returned home that night in a foggy confused state, the only thing on his mind was that blue haired man.

He looked forward to tomorrow.

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