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Past the claustrophobic hallways and somewhat alive knight statues ready to kill you, Seraphina heard someone else on the other side running around. The walls were thin. Maybe it was just another cultist, trying to find her and kill them.

In the confusing Salazar castle, god knows where Ashley even ended up. But in a stroke of nearly impossible luck, Ashley burst through the door in a panic as she heavily breathed and widened her eyes. 

"Seraphina! Run! They're coming after me!"

Furrowing her eyebrows, Seraphina switched her helpless mood and put the girl in front of her as she guarded the back. Holding out the gun, she heard the rushed footsteps running towards them in a hurry. Thank goodness she turned out okay...

"Ashley, keep going," She exclaimed as the sound of reloading and clicking filled the air. "I got your back."

The two girls ran for their lives, exhausting their energy but Seraphina pushed their limits to get away from the cultists. Gosh, it wouldn't hurt for them to do the same, but they were so adamant about catching them. They held all kinds of scary weapons, yelling in Spanish and whispering creepily.

"Muere, muere, muere..."

As they stormed through the last door, Ashley got through first and saw the sight of a familiar agent. Relief washed over here as she ran up to him, hugging tightly as his warmth was comforting. She was already safe with Seraphina, but knowing Leon was okay made it better.

"Ashley..." Leon felt her arms wrap around his waist.

"I'm sorry about that." Ashley let go before Seraphina joined the scene, quietly walking in. Although she hadn't vocalized it, but Seraphina wanted to do the same to Leon. Wanting to feel relief and apologize for her foolishness...

"It's okay. Come on, we should get going," Leon said as he looked up to the other presence in the room. The both of them had stared for a moment, not doing or saying anything. "'re okay. I knew you would be."

Before they could reunite properly, his radio buzzed.

"Aw...what a touching moment we have here."

"All spoiled thanks to your interruption," Hearing this, Leon scoffed at the little man on his screen. "Why don't you do us a favor and leave before the audience gets pissed off?"

"Your nothing but a extra in my script, so don't get too carried away. Your biggest scene is over." Salazar's short arms raise in a dramatic matter, his smug look still on his face.

"I don't remember being apart of your crappy script."

Salazar smiled with a grin. "Well then, why don't you show me what a first class script is like: through your own actions."

Cutting off the line, Leon clicked his tongue.

A regal-looking sculpture on the wall sat tall with a few empty holes forming a certain shape. Whatever it was, a horse and knight-like figure held a long weapon pointed towards the caved in hole. Leon placed the pieces back together, picking them up as they seemed important.

Right as he was, it formed a creature with two heads, one of a strong lion and the other being a ram with long horns. The walls and floor underneath shook, revealing a passageway hidden behind.

JUDGEMENT, resident evil 4Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu