☾ False Security ☽

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When she awoke, she was surrounded by white. She put a hand to her face, feeling a tube that was inserted in her nose. 

She looked to her arm as she saw an IV pumping a clear liquid through the painful needle. There were soft murmurs of voices coming from the hallway. "You can't tell...Be alright..." The voices cut out every so often. 

She tried to sit up and listen, but a restraint around her chest kept her down. She heard a knock on the door but had to refrain from sitting up. Her breath quickened, panic set in. She couldn't move, she was defenseless. 

A man dressed in all white with a mask on his face entered as Bella thrashed around in her bed. The fear took hold of her once again as she blacked out on the bed and awoke again to the sight of her dead mother. "No!" She screamed, she couldn't be here again. 

Not this. Not now.

Then the scene began to change. Bella was no longer in the white hospital room. She stood with her father, now in his arms as he spun her around. She wailed softly; she was an infant now. 

Helpless and alone; feelings that were very familiar to her. The ghost of her fathers' arms as they comforted her only made her remember all that she lost. 

Then, almost as if the world had stopped, she was alone in a dark, cold room. There were no lights on, yet shadows were cast as if a door was beside her.

She buried her face in the cold hands that belonged to the shell of herself as she waited for the demons to leave her. 

Suddenly, she heard screams and wails coming from every direction. They were the blood-curdling screams of a young child. 

She wanted to help, she thought of her younger sister, Daisy, as she scratched and clawed at the walls and the shadow of a door in the confined room. 

She became wild the more she thought about Daisy. But just the thought of Daisy saddened her to the point she forgot the screaming child. She thought back to that day; Daisy had died in a fire.

Bella would never forget that day; her dear sister was playing in the living room, her hair pulled into two dutch braids with two little white bows. 

Her mother was in distress running from her father as he was throwing beer bottles at her in the other room. In anguish, she had left the house, an escape from her reality. She had left Daisy behind and alone. 

The only things keeping her company were the demons she called her friends. She ran out into the sunlight and fresh air as she ran to a secret place, between two willows where a wooden fort was built. She snapped out of her memory and looked around her. 

She was out of the dark, confined room, and back in the peaceful fort. How is this possible? She sighed as she saw inside were a few blankets and some pillows. 

She came here a lot. The air was hushed as she stepped through the threshold and reached to open a cabinet above her, pulling out a glass bottle. 

It was filled with gasoline which she often used to cook simple snacks. She reached once more into the cabinet. She pulled out a small lighter with a pink and joyful kitten print on it. 

Bella thought back to when her father had given it to her before he left. He said it was for "protection". But she had never been the one to need it. 

That same lighter, the one Bella held in her shaking hands, was the one her father used to set fire to their old, Victorian house. 

The one that killed her precious Daisy. 

As she clicked on the lighter, a familiar, unnerving feeling filled her chest. The world seemed to swirl once more. She watched the flame burn a piece of the fort, catching it on fire. 

She only wanted to watch the world burn.

It started to spread as she regained more control over herself. NO! She thought to herself. I can't lose my grip on reality. 

But she couldn't stop it, as the world around her faded to black. 


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