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PEOPLE rushed through the hallway, loud chatter all around the school as morning light shined on your eyes, making it harder to look around. By some miraculous reason, you made it early to class despite the sea of others around you.

You let out a sigh of relief you didn't know you were holding. You quickly opened the door, then seeing Noelle, a classmate of yours, rushing towards the door. You kept the door open for her, she paused at the door "Thanks!" She waved and entered the classroom.

You smiled at Noelle, and entered the classroom as well, quietly shutting the door behind you. The teacher, Ms. Alphys, was also in the classroom, viewing a show on her computer. You looked at the chalkboard, noticing the chalk wasn't there as usual. You decided not to say anything, you didn't want to disturb Ms. Alphys' show.

You sat down at your desk, taking your phone out of your pocket. You browsed quietly, listening to the classroom door open and close, more people sitting down at their own desk. When you looked up from your phone, you noticed everyone, except for Susie and Kris, were here.

You placed your phone back in your pocket, it was about time for the class to start. Ms. Alphys explained about a partner project. Once she had sent the class off, you noticed everyone had a partner already. While it would be nice to work alone, you didn't exactly want to be the odd one out. So you prayed Temmie, your classmate would suddenly stop being partners with an egg, or Kris would waltz through the door, or hopefully Susie.

You would never admit it to someone yet, you aren't really ready to tell anyone, especially not Susie yet, but you've liked Susie since the start of the month. Truthfully, you yourself don't exactly know what made you have one. Her strength? Her look? Her personality? Her voice? You have a long time to figure it out, as long as you still have a crush on her, so you didn't have to rush yourself. Even still, you were scared of her, she is more than capable of hurting you and your friends. 

Interrupting your thoughts, your savior from being alone, Kris, walks late and sits down at their desk. Almost instantly, you start up a conversation. "Hey Kris, you want to be partners?" They nod, with a thumbs up on the side to add to his yes. As you lead the conversation since Kris doesn't talk much, you are interuppted midway through your sentence by a loud  "SLAM!" Coming from the door that made you slightly flinch.

You turn your gaze from Kris like the rest of the class did, your eyes settling upon the one and only, Susie. Your heart skipped a beat, both from fear and from your crush on her. "H... Hi, Susie" you only barely heard Ms. Alphys stutter those words out. Susie stepped forward, staying quiet for a bit before breaking the silence with "Am I late?" Ms. Alphys hurriedly replied with "Ohh, n-no! You're fine! W-we were just, uh..." Ms. Alphys paused, "Ch-choosing partners for the next group the next group project, and..." Ms Alphys scanned the room before settling on you and Kris. "Ummm, Susie, you're with Kris and [Name]!"

Susie didn't reply, and you were sure that she was unhappy with Ms. Alphys decision of the group. Your suspicion was only given more accuracy when Susie said, "Great." You felt sarcasm and annoyance dripping into her words like poison that only made you feel worse than when you heard her silence.

"N-now that everyone's here, I'll write the assignment!"  Ms. Alphys said. She rushed to the chalkboard, but noticed there was no chalk. "Uh... H-has anyone seen the chalk? This is the third time it's gone missing, and... Y-you know I can't start class without some!" Ms. Alphys seemed to get a surge of confidence, and said "H-how about this? If no one speaks up... E-everyone gets in trouble!" No one spoke up. "A.. Anyone? P... Please?"

Suddenly, Noelle said "Hey, there might be a box in the supply closet..." "Miss Alphys, why don't Susie and I.." Ms. Alphys interrupted, "G-good idea, Noelle! Susie, since you came in last... Why don't  you go get it for me...?"  Susie waited, and replied "Whatever." Before slamming the door on the classroom again. "And K... Kris and Y/N, can you go with her and make sure she... Um, actually gets it? And, um, stays out of trouble...?" Kris gave a thumbs up while you said a quick "sure." "Thanks you two, see you later!" Ms. Alphys said.

You and Kris walked from the desks to the door, chatter starting back up. You said that you had to go to the bathroom for a moment, with Kris giving a thumbs up. You and Kris walked out into the hallway, you sperating and walking into the bathroom. After doing what you need to do, you heard another loud "SLAM" coming from the hallway. You washed your hands, opened the door and saw Kris, head down while pinned against a locker, by the one and only, Susie. Your legs froze, you wanted to do something but you couldn't, this wasn't a movie where you could just have super hero powers, save Kris and the whole school likes you. You got the courage to say, "Kris?" It was somewhat quiet, but Susie heard it.

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