☬ Blood Soaked Sky ☬

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Blue like the sky. Hidden behind her hair, like the clouds. She smiled, thinking about all the possibilities beyond the bright blue sky. Lost in thought, drifting through the clouds and empty night-lit starry skies. She sat back, feeling the cool breeze and luscious grass on her skin. Why had I done this? She questioned herself, narrowing her eyes in the process, forming a scowl. The gun lay at her feet which were curled under her.

After the adrenaline had worn off, the shame and fear of her actions had settled in her stomach. Every thought she had, led to that very specific moment. She wept, the tears washing away her blood-soaked face. It dripped onto her clothes, staining them burgundy. 

Her hands, soaked with the blood of her slaughtered victim, her mother, dragged across her grief-stricken face. She stood up, looking around until she saw the dark, evil forest. Black smoke drifted from between lush green trees and saccharinely red flowers. She couldn't distinguish between reality and hallucination anymore like it has been for as long as she could remember...

Ever since she took those awful, evil pills, she had blacked out, and been at the scene of a murder. Dragging her half-lame body down the rugged hill, Bella moaned in agony, her broken body trailing behind her. 

Pictures of her mother's beautiful, angelic face flashed in her mind. Why did I do it? When she appeared at the base of the forest, it seemed as though the world was closing around her, and she was left with the forest. 

Suddenly, she tripped on a stump and fell to the ground. Bella could feel the earth beneath her, the soil wet and damp. She felt sickened and dizzy. Bella looked up at the sky until her vision blurred and she lost consciousness. 

She woke up alone, at home again. Beside her lay two white pills. Take them, all your problems will go away. You will be able to see your mother again. The familiar voice in her head reasoned. 

With shaking fingers, she grabbed the pills, sucking her back into the horrendous forest. But, the forest was calm now. It was no longer filled with the thick smoke, drifting between the leaves. Her mind, like the forest, had been cleared. 

She could think more clearly now. As she walked into the forest, a nervousness had settled into her stomach about what was yet to come. But even though the forest had cleared, the fog could always return...

Bella brought her knees up to her chest and rocked her shaking body back and forth, humming a lullaby her mother used to sing to her. She heard a SNAP behind her, and she immediately stopped what she was doing.

 Glowing red eyes shone through in the now darkening sky. Overhead, clouds had started to gather. "I-I thought you were gone. I thought you had left me-" She gasped, sucking in the air around her for she recognized that it was dwindling. 

Panic coursed through her veins, terror set in her. She hadn't seen those eyes in what felt like a lifetime. But yet the air was still around her, her heart still beating wildly.

The wolves were back-and with them, came the nightmares. She clutched her locket, worn and old, to her chest as she struggled to stand and flee, from her snarling oppressors. The locket glowed an eerily gray color as it blinded everything around her. 

Stumbling, Bella fell, too weak, too tired to care. Her will, her drive, her motivation, were all lost under the icy stare of those red eyes. And suddenly, she was back again in her old apartment, sweating from the nightmarish world she had encountered. Was it real? Is this real? 

These were the only thoughts she had in the moments after she woke up. She looked around and saw a newspaper lying on the floor, haphazardly. It read; Body found at the edge of local trails. No suspects.

She gasped in horror as she stared at the black and white picture of her bloodied body. Running to the bathroom, she screamed at what she saw. 

Her reflection, hair all a mess, a crazed, wild look in her eyes. But worst of all was the blood. She looked exactly like the picture.

 Bella fumbled around in a drawer, looking for something. In the drawer, she had found a razor. As she cut her matted locks, she said to herself, "It has to go...all of it. It all has to go." 

No one had to know it was her, the girl in the picture. She was a murderer on the loose that resembled the bloodied body in the paper.

But when Bella cut her hair, the picture of the girl changed too. This is not real. Bella reasoned with herself. 

She gripped at her new short hair as she fumbled with the razor. A newfound fury awoke in her chest as she slammed her fist into the mirror above the sink. It shattered, cutting her porcelain face into bits and pieces. 

As she drew back her hand, her fist was bloodied, stinging with sharp, sweet, pain. She looked at the glass, noticing even that she had various cuts all over her hands. 

Did I deserve this? Suddenly, shaken from her thoughts, three loud BOOMS rattled from the front door. They had found her; this was the end.

She ran to her bedroom, her heart pounding. Bella felt her hand clamp around the small gun on her bedside table. 

Did she dare? Before she could react, the door blasted open as she saw a bulky figure. Her father? 

Her shaky hands never left the barrel of the gun as she stared at the shiny badge on the figure's chest that read, "SGT. Anisty". 

Overcome with fear, her vision went blurry as she passed out on the wooden floor beneath her. 


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