The start of an corrupted society

Start from the beginning

The both are impressed that Izuku knew all of this and their live for him grew more.

Izuku: I'll say this come with me.

As they followed Izuku has continued.

Izuku: I'll say this in 4 months time I will give you my answer because I want you to feel comfortable with me being around you then having to make you feel uncomfortable and besides you need to get over your break up and the attempted raped that has occurred.

As they realized that he is right and they do need to calm down after everything that happen but they believe they need a little more time then 4 months.

Jirou: can we get more then 4 months time?

Izuku: very well how many months do you need time on?

Momo: about 7-8 months is fine with you?

Izuku: yea that is more then enough that is a good idea are you willing to join us?

Momo: as long as we are with you we are fine and thank you for saving us for getting or attempted to get raped. Said as she was bowing down along with Jirou.

Jirou: yes thank you for being our shine of light.

Izuku:chuckle* your welcome now let's  get going.

Momo and Jirou: hai

As the 3 left back at UA they released the fact that momo wasn't the traitor because somebody leaked that she got cheated on by shoto and they hit mad that he betrayed her just to cover up his cheating scandal. Momo's parents were the upmost shocked because they disowned her for something she didn't commit and hella mad that they trusted todoroki over her for 2 reason him being her boyfriend and 2 framing her for covering up himself for cheating. Endeavor was displeased with shoto because of his action and didn't want nothing to do with him he pretty much disowned shoto (yes endeavor is good) shoto was mad that he got exposed and that he got sent to prison for false accusations. For jirou family they was upset as well because they thought their rock punk little girl was a villain as well with momo then heard that she wasn't and now that their little punk girl had chosen the right side then the side they chose and they are proud of her to be there for momo when she need it. With the trio who went back to base where Izuku took them the girls asked him questions here and there but the one thing they asked was his family.

Momo: hey Izuku do you have any family members?

Izuku stayed quiet and they both knew that they triggered something inside of him and they hugged him telling him it's gonna be ok.

Momo: sorry that I brought it up I didn't know it was a touchy subject.

Izuku: it's ok sooner or later you gonna have to know if I have to be honesty I never met my family I was actually brought here and technically you already seen what happened earlier.

Jirou: yea and I gotta say you are good with you Job btw you have this gold suit on and a retractable headgear what is it I find it kinda radical.

Izuku: it's my suit that I wear when I go out in missions and to be frankly honest it's called hero suit.

Both girls are fascinated that he is wearing something like this and was wondering one day if they gonna wear the same thing or at least something that looks similar to his in a different way.

Momo: are we allow to wear it to or it has to be a certain day?

Izuku: well after a few months that's either after or before a year depends on how well you do things in the field that is require to have you wear this.

Jirou: do you have to wear it every mission you go on?

Izuku: yes once you get this it's a must if not they will take it away and you will have ti earn it again.

Momo: has someone tried it before?

Izuku: yes numerous of people did it one even went to jail because he refuse to do anything and think that killing is wrong.

Jirou: what's the point in joining if he thinks that?

Izuku: we considered those who think that are weak.

Momo: so he was weak then if he refuse something like that.

Izuku: exactly and that was why I asked hoping that you would somehow try ti change your mind.

Momo: I don't think we want ti back down after what we been thru.

Izuku: very well then your training with start tomorrow so get some beauty sleep tonight because it's gonna be hell for you 2.

Jirou and Momo: hai (I have to do this for him and get stronger so he won't be the only one)

That's the end of this chapter like always izumomo lover out

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