Chapter 2 - Broken Gear and Unseen marks

Start from the beginning

Determination is a good drive, I'll give him that. But determination alone won't get him anywhere. While he was acting like determination was a key and he already had everything else, it was more like he was holding a key to the empty frame of a car and acting like the key was suddenly going to make it into a working vehicle.

I tuned Eren's idiotic talks out after that.

When we stood at the cliff, my eyes were wide as we watched the moon come out.

- - 3rd pov - -

Shigaku's eyes were focused on the view beyond the cliff, but the other four sets of eyes were on the boy who practically glowed under the moonlight. He looked otherworldly and that was something the four could agree on.

Not to be cliche, but it was one of those hair raising and heart thudding moments as he turned and smiled at them. His white hair and pale skin were illuminated like the moon itself and his blue eyes glowed like the lake in front of him.

"Lets start with belt adjustments yeah? You won't be off the ground at all if you can't get your buckles set right." He hummed after he spoke and it was a moment of pause before Reiner nodded along, followed by the others.

- - 1st pov - -

After a night full of training a boy (brat) who seemed to get pissy every time something didn't go his way, I was tired when we went back out to the ODM training the next day.

Of course those who passed the day before didn't have to do it again so I was just there because we had to be, and I was admittedly curious how Eren would do.

I watched as he was lifted, and at first he was standing well. Cheers broke out amongst the other cadets (which I thought was totally unnecessary) and Reiner, Bertholdt, Mikasa, and Armin all looked so shocked as if we hadn't helped him? I understand Mikasa but the other three really?

I stood as plain faced as Shadis, at least until he fell back and nearly slammed his head into the ground. I snorted and quickly covered my mouth. But then I narrowed my eyes and noticed something.

"Sir." I suddenly spoke up, Shadis turning to me. I walked over to the still hanging Eren, motioning for Wagner to lower Eren.

I told Eren to remove his straps and gave him mine, watching as he put mine on before looked over his for a moment. I tossed them to Shadis. "The clasp is broken. It's defective. Have him use mine." I spoke, Shadis grasping the broken gear and having Eren get hooked back up and lifted up while I walked back to the other cadets.

I smiled seeing Eren succeed this time, and put a hand on my hip. "He managed to stay sturdy with broken gear, pretty impressive"

My comment mad more comments fly around the other cadets in awe. Now it was more understandable though.

We continued ODM training and I was grinning as I flew through the air, slicing through the air as if ODM gear was second to breathing for me. Even Reiner and Bertholdt were a bit impressed as I swung above tree tops and spun in the air as I were flying. I let out a happy woop, having missed this feeling so much.

We were in the showers when something was brought to my my attention.

Reiner and Bertholdt, as curious as they'd always been seeing them, had never brought up the 2 scars or tattoo on my back.

Between my spine and my shoulder blades were a set of rough scars each about six inches long vertical and about an inch and a half wide at the widest part.

As if I had wings.

"Shigaku, whats up with the tattoo and scars on your back? Looks like you had wings. And is that a flower?" Connie's second comment was obviously joking but it was the one that caught my attention, my head whipping around sharply.

"Huh-?" I spoke, eyes wide. My shock caught several people off guard. And so did my rush to wrap a towel around my waist and hurry to the mirrors. I just about tripped on the way there but that didn't stop me one bit as I turned my back to the mirror and looked wide eyed at the scars and marks.

It didn't take long at all for the meaning of the tattoo to click in my mind.

A red spider lily, a flower of death, rested on the nape of my neck.

Wing-like scars as if I were a bird whose wings had been clipped.

I stared at the scars in the mirror for several moment, silent and looking dazed. Connie was apologizing but his words were nothing but static to me. Bertholdt was the first one to come over, gently putting his hand on my shoulder but I flinched hard in response and looked up at him with tears in my eyes and slipping down my cheeks.

"How long have I had these?" I asked shakily. Bertholdt's eyes widened a bit, and so did everyone's who heard.

"We.. you.. we though you knew." Berthold spoke almost nervously. He could hardly say anything while they were surrounded by so many people. It was a good thing I had mentioned being an orphan during introductions, an excuse for them to not know either.

I only shook my head and was pulled into a tight hug from Berholdt. I knew what it meant.

'We'll protect you from having to cry ever again'

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A/N:   When your childhood friends find you falling from the sky and swear to never let you get hurt <3

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