Chapter 1 - New Life

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Where... am I....?

Above me, a pale blue sky with fluffy white and grey clouds.

Every time I closed my eyes, memories flash in my mind. Memories from other lives.

A pink haired boy with weird hairclips who seemed to never be off-guard and spoke without opening his mouth, and a little too big of a taste for coffee jelly

A volleyball team represented by crows who's decoy was a hyperactive orange haired boy who could fly rather than jump

A basketball team with a boy who hardly existed if you didn't focus on him with a grudge against his old teammates

A trio in a guild of mages with unimaginable strengths who seemed to defy death itself over and over

A class in a world where 80% of people have abilities and heroes and villains are no longer just sci fi stories

A class of middle school assassins trying to kill the yellow octopus who blew up the moon

A blonde american gang leader who was only 17 when everything seemed to go to hell

A gang led by a doriyaki-loving boy who carried on the ideals of his late brother

Life after life after life all of them passed

And now here I am

In a new life


I'm falling..?

A hand, much bigger than my body, grabs me from the air. Had it not wrapped around me fast, it would've simply swatted me down like a fly.

I wasn't all that shocked, who would be after all I've been through.

The hand brought me to the face of a giant that looked purely of muscle and bone.

Greyish green human-like eyes looked down at me and I flatly looked back. Had I not moved myself to sit up in it's now flat palm, I likely would've looked dead.

I tilted my head, and the giant looked at me as if it were shocked.

"Do you know where I am?"

My voice was soft, it shocked me a bit and I looked down at my hands. It was only just now clicking how young I seemed to be.

Coming from a world of powers, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder to see if the feathered appendages I had were still there.

To my sadness, they were not.

"Who are you!!" A blonde boy on the shoulder of the giant yells defensively, but I just look at him with the same empty look.

"My name is Shigaku Takatsuji, and you?" I spoke, unphased by the fact that I was sure I wasn't speaking japanese or english. But rather, I seemed to be speaking a language my mind could only name as Eldian.

Both the giant and the blonde boy seemed caught off guard a bit.

"Reiner.. and this is Bertholdt.. are you like us?" Reiner spoke, motioning to the giant whose name I now knew was Bertholdt. I tilted my head at the question, although glad that they seemed somewhat trusting of me.

"If you mean a giant, I'm not sure. I'm sorry" My tone held all the sincerity in the world and both of them knew that.

Bertholdt seemed nervous as Reiner told him to place me on the same shoulder as the blonde, but hesitantly agreed and continued walking in a predetermined direction as Reiner and I spoke.

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