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Gulf was getting for the university, he's going to tutor them for just 90 min from 12 pm- 1.30 pm with one day's gap. After taking every necessary thing he came out of his room. The sight made his heart happy.

There was his Phi' Manee talking with his other sister in the drawings room but he didn't catch the serious talk. He smiled widely taking big footsteps towards them.

"Phi'Manee..." He grinned Manee looked at him as he latched onto her into a hug.

She also smiled hugging his small baby " Kana baby how are you..?" She detached from their hug and caress his face with motherly love.

" I am good, how are you..?" He asked in a baby voice, he mostly uses a baby voice when he felt like just being habitual

"you forgot me...  You didn't call me..?? I am upset with you..!!" He said showing his puppy eyes that were ready to pour out any time. Yeah, he missed her so much. He has a very bad habit of getting patted on the head by Manee until he fell asleep.

Manee kissed his forehead " sorry baby.. So sorry " she felt guilty and it made Gulf feel more guilty. He immediately replied " it's ok. I am a big boy now... And you are now married. So how does brother-in-law treats you..??"

Now Manee can feel his baby is acting mature, she smiled " he treats me like a baby.." She answered but looking at him she asked "are you going somewhere..??"

Gulf looked at the time ohhh he is going to be late if he didn't get to the bus stop on time "I am going to university I am getting late..." He got up in hurry " bye.." he was about to go when Chanthira stopped him saying she will drop him off.

Gulf never drives, he didn't learn besides he has a dream to ride a bike by a special person he never told his sister that secret besides the author you know and his sisters also have their work. They have one car, now Chanthira is using usually it for going to the hospital. Gulf nodded waited for 5 min then they left.

~On another side of his home...

" so how we are going to make him agree to get married.." Nina asked sipping the coffee.

" that's not the problem, even he agrees to marry but with whom we are going to get him married.." Manee raised a question, and three of them sighed.

" We have one year 5 months more before he gets 24" Han said, "so I think we should allow him to date and also we should try to find a boy for him... "

They all nodded but they had already said if he liked someone he can but just first informing them is essential. But what information they get is that their brother has so many crushes... They want to marry all of them.


" but nowadays no one gets married in their 20's and baby is just 22 " Nin pouted " so we should find someone older."

Both Han and Manee glared at her she hands up saying " I mean the man can be in 30's it can be.." They agreed but they still want someone who can protect their baby.


Meanwhile, Gulf gets out of the car and reaches the university, Chanthira has told him to make a call to her when he is finished so she can pick him up but denied saying he has other work. He has to go to the post office for doing the delivery his stickers and phone cases through speed post. So he will get home by bus as usual. He always likes the bus, the last window seat.

As he steps in to take class, there were already 3 known faces and 1 unknown face waiting already in the class. He greeted them, they were his juniors and they also welcome him and the new boy he also introduced himself. After that, they started.


At Mew's mansion

"Are you sure that boy is Gulf..??" Thorn asked again, his ears can't believe the fact that the person his boss was looking for is his wife's little brother. Who is life to his wife?

" Why are you repeating. I am 200 percent sure. Thorn " Mew replied with a bored expression

"Okay. " Thorn sighed heavily, now he can't argue and who is he to stop Mew. " and the deal with Mr. Sitwat, he wants you to marry his daughter Cherry " Thorn exclaimed

Mew smirked, " What Phaw said..??"

"Uncle didn't say anything... You know n and Sitwat said if you deny then deal will be off "

"He thinks I will marry just for the sake of some business deal that bastard if I want I can take over his business in a minute.." Mew spoke with a dangerously calm tone " so let's play his little game. Call him for a meeting in our Great Hotel. Sharp at 4 pm"

At hotel...

Mr. Sitwat was sitting in front of Mew with his daughter who is eyeing Mew from head to toe.

Mew noticed but ignored it showing his expressionless straight face as Bright, Thorn, and Mark ( Mark Siwat Jumlongkul ) were sitting.

Sitwat was not scared as he thought he has hands with the government officials, as he wanted his hands in Mafia also but he don't I think who is he dealing with.

" deal is okay but I don't like your condition.." Mew directly let out

" why..?? My daughter is beautiful..  look at her... You will never find anyone better.." Sitwat said with confidence, he wanted his daughter to marry Mew so he can have some hands in the mafia too, and a good relationship by offering his daughter.

" your daughter who whore around cheated on his boyfriend on the second day getting into a relationship" Mew stated the fact "I don't like cheaters.." He stood up

Both father and daughter were stunned at the information but he composed his calm " that was past.."

" deal is off.." Mew said walking out with his men.

Now he was in his car, Thorn was driving Bright was beside Thorn as Mark was beside Mew. It started raining after a minute. Mew was looking outside today he didn't stalk his baby. He wanted to but he has work piled up for 1 week and the meetings also.

The car stopped at the signal. Mew saw a familiar figure. Who was standing under the small roof of some shop saving himself from heavy rain...

The boy stretched his hand out feeling the raindrops that made a beautiful smile plastered on his beautiful face. Cause of the wind his hair also became messy, it making him more adorable...

The boy stepped out in the rain... And from here Mew also stepped out of his car as his friends were stopping him but the sound was unheard. They stopped when they saw the other boy.

Thorn parks the car at the side as a signal turned green.

The boy was standing in the rain and Mew was admiring his baby forwarding each step close to his baby...

To be continued....


I will update the next chapter soon... See you.. Soon... Lovelies..


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