1 - The Ellen Show

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" she's a mother fucking killer
queen a psychopath at 17 "
- killer queen by mad tsai

"Please welcome the new viral sensation, Walker Scobell!" The crowd clapped as I entered the stage, waving. "Take a seat, Walker," I sat on the white couch, opposite of one of the most famous interviewers and comedian, Ellen DeGeneres. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great, thanks," I said a little too excitedly, so I tried to tone it down with a light chuckle.

"That's nice, I'm great too!" Ellen exclaimed as the crowd filled with giggles and laughs, "I'm sure most of you here have watched the Adam Project, how many of you have watched it raise up your hands," majority of the crowd raised their hands in response. At this point I was basically quivering. "Ok great, for those who haven't watched it, Walker could you explain what the movie is about?"

"I'm actually really nervous, could you do it?" I asked.

"Oh okay it's okay to be nervous. So I've actually watched it already, it's amazing by the way, excellent work," As she was explaining the rest of the film, the only thing I could think about was the meeting right after this interview for a movie I was casted for. I had just finished the Adam Project a few months ago and auditioned for the main role in the movie. "So, Walker, have you heard of Y/n L/n before?"

"I have actually," I responded, snapping out of my gaze. Y/n L/n is currently the hot topic from the young actors genre.

"Well, there's this interview where she mentioned you, let me just put it up," A video appeared behind us that showed an interview that featured Y/n and Benedict Cumberbatch from a few weeks ago on the Jimmy Fallon show.


"Have you guys heard? Ryan Reynolds and this kid, Walker Scobell, has been a well known duo these past few weeks. What are your thoughts on this?" The interviewer asked.

"Is there? I don't think I've heard of them yet," Y/n responded.

"I don't catch up with things on the internet, it's always Y/n who rings me and says things like," Benedict makes his hand into a phone and puts it close to his ear, mocking Y/n. "Oh my god! Benedict, did you hear? Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton got engaged!" The crowd roared with laughter, followed by a few claps.

"Fans have actually said that their duo is better than yours. What are your thoughts on this?" Jimmy asked.

"Well do you know what I think?" Y/n said in a snobbish way, "FU- no, I'm just kidding," she paused, stopping mid sentence, "All I've got to say, is that there is no better variant duo than the two of us," she said, settling back down on the sofa, "Try me, Walker Scobell,"


The video ends and the crowd erupted with laughs and claps.

"Well that was thoughtful of her. Trying to challenge me before we even meet," I said, turning to face the audience. The rest of the interview went well and I soon warmed up to the audience and felt less nervous the longer I was there. It eventually ended and my mom came to pick me up. Internally excited, I rushed to my room and turned on my computer, joining the zoom meet my mom had sent me. Now all I had to do was wait.


hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) fyi, this chapter has not been double-checked or edited, so it might be choppy but it'll get better later on in the story because I don't have much time to write :D this is also one of my first books so please give some constructive criticism in the comments. - Raven

what the fuckity fuck was i thinking. lord help me. - Raven

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