Your One And Only

938 14 1

3rd pov


All anyone can do is run.


As fast as possible.

Run... Run... Run...


(y/n = your name) snapped back to reality when her captain tapped her shoulder.

"huh? What?" (y/n) asked coldly and glared at him.

His raven hair messy as hell while his cold, steel gray eyes as he smirked.

(y/n) is a part of the heart pirates with the captain, Trafalgar Law, the surgeon of death.

(this time is when they were just starting off beigg known but (y/n) has been there for a year)

"what?" (y/n) scoffed.

"nothing... I just wanted to know if you were going to the island alone, seems like you are" he chuckled making (y/n) groan.

"why is there even a need to know such a thing?" (y/n) rolled her eyes and jumped off the sub and into the port.

"don't follow me like the creep you are." (y/n) huffed and left to go to the city.

Law hummed softly and shrugs.

"maybe I am..." he hummed to himself.


She hummed lightly as she stared at the ceiling in the confinement of her room.

Her room was small but it comforted her knowing that darkness won't reach the ends of her room.

"(y/n)-San...?" bepo hums softly.

"what?" (y/n) hummed as the bear apologized.

"c-captain asks if you can go to his office..." bepo shivered.

"comin' but... Why?" (y/n) asks as she got up and stretched with a wheeze.

"he... He didn't explain why, but... He did... So... I'm sorry"

"it's alright." (y/n) huffed as she put on a sweater

"I-okay..." bepo mumbled and left.

(y/n) sighs inwardly as she stood in front of his office door.

"(y/n)-ya, come in" he can tell (y/n) was behind that door.


Because he can hear her grumbling under her breath on how fucking shit he is.

She huffed and opened the door then closed it with her foot.

"what on fucker's name do you want?" (y/n) hummed as she walked until she was in front of his desk

As usual, he didn't answer for a few moments, immersed in the books he so loved to read.

She took this moment to glance around the so-called forbidden room.

Three bookshelves that occupy the entirety of wallsthe office's walls.

The desk on the dead center, books and papers outline the sides, top, and possibly, under the desk itself.

"oh, right... I called you because I want the expense so far"

(y/n) worked as the crew treasurer and his half-secretary.

"hmm... I didn't get all of it, shachi and penguin has yet to return before I can give you the whole analysis. Earlier, I checked how much everything costs here... They're quite expensive" (y/n) explained.

"I see... I thought they should be back by now" law hums as he leaned back and stretched lightly in his FaNcY chair.

"seems like they encountered something... I'll go check real quick" (y/n) mumbled and left

"what...?" law shrugs right after and returned to his book.


"are you two alright?" (y/n) asks as she punched the last marine standing, knocking it out.

"y-yes... We're fine... But the heart monitor is beyond saving" penguin sighs.

"are you sure? Okay, report that to captain..." (y/n) says as she grabbed two barrels

One on her shoulder while thw other on her side.

"what're these?"

"the gunpowder captain requested" shachi answers as (y/n) nodded

"that was so cool (y/n)-San! How did you do that?! That was awesome!" penguin asks.

"hmm? Oh, my father taught me how to fight a battalion with or without the use of weapons, he trained me for years..." (y/n) hums

"that was so cool! I wish I could do that" penguin bummed himself.

"you can, you actually can, you just didn't didn't train yourself as such." (y/n) hummed


"what happened with you two? You were gone for ages, I only sent you out for new medical equipment and only returned after (y/n)-ya had gone to get you" law growls.

The two were sat in front of his office desk as the two sweat a little by their captain's commanding voice and demeaning aura.

"w-well captain... The marines had us, they spied on us while we shopped for equipment and ambushed us... We could've died..." penguin shivered.

"you can fight them, I'm pretty sure it's a small amount." law sighs

"no captain! They were so many! Maybe they had gathered them considering we're an island away from a base..." shachi said.

"I see... What happened next?" law asks.

"(y/n)-San came in, and told us to keep guard on the remaining equipment as she fought them off..." shachi calmly explains.

"she was so awesome! You should've seen how she knocked them out! And was like bam! Boom! Bang!" penguin explained, like a child...

Law chuckled at his childhood friends.

They never changed.

"is that so?"

"yeah! Because of her, only the heart monitor was damaged, she went out again to grab buy another... She told us to rest for a while..." shachi said excitedly.

"I see... How about you two dismissed, and before you can relax, clean the operating room... I had some recent activities there... Don't worry, it's not that big" law hummed as the two nods and left.


'there... It's fixed in the right order...' (y/n) thought with a soft 'phew' as she placed the heart monitor to where it should be.

"(y/n)-ya" law called as (y/n) turned to him, boredom entirely sketched in her features.


"thank you for helping those two..." law hums softly.

"it's nothing... Now, if you excuse me... I am going to the bathroom for some much needed bath, thank you~" (y/n) said as she walked around him and off to the halls, law stared at the direction she disappeared in as he smiled.

'what a very honest person...'

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