Love, Death, and Robot Paggies Chapter 1

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I'm never comfortable in showers anymore. Don't get me wrong, washing my hair is always soothing, even if it takes forever to style. But recently I've just been uncomfortable. Last week when Shimada came in while I was showering, really scarred me. I was hoping he wouldn't see me that way. Honestly, I was hoping he'd never see me that way. But here we are. Once again in the shower. The feeling of the water is always so relaxing. I usually get lost in it, for the little time there is. Since there aren't many water sources in the Darknest I have to enjoy it as much as possible.

"Today is going to be better," I told myself.

I'm joining Sanko and the crew on one of their missions, because chilling in the Darknest gets boring and lonely sometimes. I just need some time off life, you know? After my shower, I put on my robes and climbed down the ladder leading to my office.

"What took you so long, Misetani?" Hajime shouted.

"Shut it, I was just taking a shower," I replied.

I heard a giggle, but couldn't see who it was coming from. I said, Fuck it, to myself and exited my office. They were all dressed in their usual attire, but Shimada was facing away from me for whatever reason. When I turned back to my ladder I noticed my hands were completely off of it in an almost cartooney fashion. I fell all the way down, seemingly taking forever to finally hit the ground. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. Suddenly I was being cradled by someone. I felt cold arms embracing me, fingers poking into my skin. I slowly opened my eyes and shut them again. It was Shimada. He had caught me mid-air, and was staring back down at me. Everything was quiet.

"Come on dumbass, we've got places to be," He said to me, prompting everyone to burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, shut up," I said, scrambling to get out of his arms.

When I got to my feet I tumbled over in pain. There was a sharp pain running through my whole body, centered on my back.

"I think I broke something." I laughed, while crying at the same time.

"UGH!" Shimada yelled, picking me back up. "You guys go on, if it's just that light core human again, then you all should be fine. I'll join for a snack when you guys are done."

"Seriously Shimada? Innit time you started putting some effort into this team?" Avakian replied, in his usual british accent.

"Oh shut up, I'll keep misetani's box on hand so if you all need me, ring the bell." Shimada muttered.

"But it won't be the same without you," Sanko cried.

After this point everything faded away. I don't remember much of what happened next, but I woke up, back in my bed in my office. I was covered head to toe with bandages. I tried sitting up but was in too much pain.

"Woah, hold on a second," I heard from across the room.

Shimada was sitting there in his night clothes, boobs out and all. Thankfully these bandages were covering my face otherwise he would've seen me go completely red.

"I wasn't sure where you're hurting so I wrapped everywhere, and I mean everywhere," He said, giggling.

"W- you bastard! Last week was a one time thing only!" I joked with him.

We both laughed for a moment, then i unwrapped my face. He blushed for a moment, barely recognizable but I caught it. I decided not to say anything and wiped my face off. This feeling was so weird. It was just him and I alone again, silently fiddling with our fingers. After a few minutes, he broke the silence.

"Well anyways, I should get going, those little shits probably need me," Shimada said.

It took me a second to comprehend what he was saying but all these emotions flushed out from within me into a single word.

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