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Jasper's POV

Mr Styles kissed me. What the fuck.

My phone lit up, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Daddy: I miss you so much baby.

Me: you're literally downstairs with Louis and you just saw me.

Daddy: come down here? Please

Me: I don't think that's a good idea.

Daddy: just watch the game with us?

Me: I don't like football.

Daddy: we can switch it if you like.

Me: I have homework.

Daddy: come down here and say "Mr Styles, can you help me with the homework?" Then bam, we can be together and you get your homework done. It's a win-win.

Me: fine.

Daddy: yayyyyyy.

I pick up my homework and go downstairs. "Mr Styles, can you help me with the homework?" I ask. He nods, standing up and walks into the dining room, sitting at the table.

I set my work down, taking a seat next to him. He kisses me again. His hands slowly moving towards my ass.

I break the kiss, making Mr Styles move to my neck, squeezing my ass a little. "S-stop." I push him a little. He nods, moving away from me, bringing his attention to my homework.

"Okay, let's start with math since you struggle with that the most." He says, not looking at me.

"Number one says," he starts reading the question. "Jasper, did you hear what I said?" Mr Styles asks, making me shake my head no.

"Baby, you need to pay attention. You're not going to get anywhere if you don't pay attention." I nod.

"JASPER, LOGAN IS HERE!" Louis yells from the other room.

"who's Logan?" Mr Styles asks.

"my friend.." I answer.

"are you lying to me?"

"he's my boyfriend."

"hey baby- Mr styles what are you doing here?" Logan says, walking in.

Mr Styles looks mad. He stands up and walks out the room. "hey mate I gotta go, something came up." Mr Styles says to Louis. "yea, okay see you later hazza." Then I hear the door slam.

*Harry's POV*

She's mine Damnit! I'll make him break up with her, so she's all mine. One thing you should know about me is that I don't share.

I dial a number. "hey I need a favor.... Yea.... Okay, yea, got it..... Yea, bye." I hang up and get ready for bed.

*At school*

"Mr Styles, I don't understand. Can you slow down." Samantha Crawford says.

"If you were paying attention I wouldn't have to slow down!" I snap.

"What the fuck is your problem! We've been doing everything you've asked for and you fucking snap at us! If you're in a bad mood, don't bring it on us!" Jasper snaps.

"GET OUT OF MY CLASS! DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled, pointing to the door. "wait till I'm done so I can speak with you." I said.

She gets up and walks out of the classroom, walking away. I said wait. Not leave.

"JASPER GET BACK HERE!" I followed her.

"Leave me alone, I hate you." She sounds like she's crying. She walks out the doors to the parking lot.

Jasper hates me.

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