Heels, Woods and Bags of Drama

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Hey readers!

Sorry it took so long, I had a huge writers block. Anyway, here it is!

I made a 'promotional video' for this story, it's in the media. Please check it out. Tell me what do you think of it.





P.S. not edited. tell me in the comments if you find any errors.


Part 11: Heels, Woods, and bags of Drama.


I woke up to the screeching of our bus coming to a sudden halt. The inertia pushed me in front almost making me smash my face into the seat in front of me. I took a moment to steady myself.

We're on the bus on our way to the 'adventure' camp. The summer break started two days ago. I had nothing better to do and there was no way in hell that I would stay at home with my parents and my grandparents and their other siblings! They were coming over for this week. So I packed my stuff and boarded this bus today morning. And now here I am, in the middle of nowhere.

No I am not kidding, I had a look around, and there is nothing but thick forest around us. No cabins or lodges or anything to show that this is a campsite.

We couldn't possibly be staying here!?

"We're here!" said our over enthusiastic teacher, Mr Davis. He is the only one accompanying us from the school since there are not many people going to the camp. Besides, there will be staff at the camp. At that moment, a young looking fellow, in his mid twenties maybe, got on the bus. He had dirty-blonde, cropped, hair and had grey- green eyes.

Mr. Davis continued, "You can take your bags and other belongings from Kirstoff here." Our heads turned to Kristoff. In response, he just smiled. "Alright then." said Mr Davis. Our heads turned back to him. We all started getting down one by one. I got down and had another good look around. Nope, no cabins or tents or even a place to pitch the tents. Kriostoff was taking out the bags from the bus and we were taking them from him. He was wearing an olive green T- shirt. It had the camp's logo it. For some reason, Kristoff did not look like camp material, even though he was sturdy and muscular. H e took out another bag which I recognized as mine so I went took it. I had another, a bit smaller one, so I stood there and waited. Then he took out a much smaller, brightly coloured, fragile looking hand bag. Mind you hand bag. I instantly knew whose it was, Tiffany. She walked past me, slowly. The reason? Her choice of footwear. I looked down at her feet only to see a pair of heels. I wanted to take her from the shoulders, shake her and say 'This is no place for those damn heels!' Seriously, couldn't she use her brain and wear shoes?

"Hurry it up! We're getting old here!" I heard a voice say to Tiffany. I recognised it as Jade's. I turned to see her standing behind me. I was a little surprised. Jade is not so open with her opinions. Tiffany glared at her. Jade rolled her eyes in response. I could clearly feel the tension between the two. Remind me to ask Jade about this later.

After we all had our luggage, Mr. Davis asked us to gather around. Kristoff was standing with him.

"Everyone has their bags now? Okay then, we are fifteen minutes or so away from the campsite. Kristoff here is going to lead the way and we will walk from here. So stay with the group. No detours." He said pointing his finger in warning.

We are going to walk!? With all this luggage? Ugh!

A fifteen minute walk would be okay if you were not in the middle of nowhere with all this luggage! All those who brought bag that they can just wear on their backs, like Jade, are lucky. I, on the other hand, am not! Here I am carrying two bags, one in each hand, walking like a friggin gorilla!

We kept walking and I could swear that the bags were getting heavier with each step. Jade came over to me and offered to help when Mr Davis said "You can help Tiffany instead. She...um..seems to be having some trouble with her luggage."

Jade half-heartedly turned to Tiffany who was carrying at least a zillion small bags.

"Couldn't she put all of that stuff in one big bag?" I asked

"She wouldn't be Tiffany then, would she?" Jade replied with a small sigh. She then walked to Tiffany, stretched out her hand to reach for one of the bags, when Tiffany jerked the bag away. She gave Jade a glare and hissed "I don't want your help. Step aside." Jade raised her hands to her shoulders. She had an amused look on her face. "By all means" she said casually.

Tiffany resumed to walk but came to an abrupt halt at the third step. She tripped over something and lost her balance. Before I she could do anything, she was on the ground. She lost grip of her bags and her anger. She looked down at herself and screeched. Jade walked to her, bent down, whispered something in Tiffany's ear and then gave her a hand .Jade half—smiled at her. Tiffany had a brief confused look on her face, and then the frown was back. She looked at Jade's hand for a moment and then, surprisingly, she took it.


After, what was definitely not fifteen minutes, but a lot more; we reached the campsite. It was a clearing scarcely surrounded by trees. There was a main cabin in the centre with the signboard showing the camp's logo. There were some flowers around it forming a perimeter. To the right, I saw already pitched tents and similar group of tents to the far left of the cabin. In the front of the cabin was a place for bonfires. Going further in front was the gathering area. It was almost like a small open-air auditorium, with steps to sit on and a raised platform. Going downhill behind the cabin led to the storage area, the bathing area, and the dining area. We were asked to gather in the gathering area, where the 'camp chief' debriefed us about the camp, its rules, and other stuff like that. After the chief ended, Kristoff came up and said "You all can go to your tents now. Boys on the right, girls on the left. There will be four people. The names are on the lists outside each tent. Please search for your names and keep your luggage. Meet us back here in two hours."

I was walking with Molly and Lillian. I hadn't seen Jade for a while now. We reached the tents, they were numbered. Next to the numbers were the lists of names.

I hope I get some good or at least tolerable 'tent-mates'. I wouldn't like to spent my nights with someone I hate.

It wasn't until I reached the third tent that I saw my name. The list also showed Molly's, Lillian's and Cady's name. Cady is a girl in my class. I have hardly ever talked to her so I don't know much about her. Molly and Lillian aren't bad company, it's just that I had hoped that Jade would be with us too.

I wasn't exactly happy with the list, but hey, it could have been worse. I could be stuck with Tiffany, which thankfully, I am not. I kept my bags inside and went looking for Jade, to see which tent she got. I got out of the tent to see a very annoyed Jade walking in my direction.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked

"Your tent?" she asked ignoring my question

"Yeah..." I replied, in an unsure tone.

She looked at the list and got even angrier.

"What happened? Why are you so angry?" I asked again

"Tiffany, that's what happened." She said gritting her teeth

I gave her a confused look.

"I have to share my tent with her!" she almost shouted out.

Oh boy, this can't be good...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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