Letting you go hurt me the most

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It was time to give her daughter up the one she had the one who gave her pure happiness n love

Vermouth knew who was gonna take care of her daughter shit she did a whole background check on them to know her daughter is in safe hands.


The dagger necklace

Vermouth called her daughter, Juliet ran to her mother's hands and hugged her while giggling

Juliet yelled "Mommy" with her small high pitched voice

Vermouth replied with a smile n calm voice "yes darling"

Juliet : I want Buffin

Vermouth giggled while putting Jule's hair being her ears

Vermouth: Muffin you mean

Juliet nodded her head violently

Vermouth: before we go to get a muffin, I have a surprise for you

Juliet replied with a "wut is it" as her face showed confusion but excited

Vermouth grabbed the red box from the coffee table and opened it to show a dagger necklace

Juliet looked intrigued by the necklace by her 2 big blue eyes that look identical to her mother's

Vermouth: Look it has a heart in the back

Vermouth carefully took the dagger necklace out from the bright red box and held it in front of Emi

Vermouth: turn around and close your eyes

Juliet obeyed her mother but couldn't stop jumping while doing so

Vermouth smiled but whined her daughters name to stay still for her to put the necklace on

Vermouth: open your eyes

Juliet opened her eyes and looked straight down, there it was the silver dagger necklace

Juliet hugged her mom

Juliet : Fank you mummy...I wove it

Vermouth hugged her daughter tightly and smiled happily


Vermouth packed her stuff in suitcases everything all gone in suitcases, it physically n mentally hurted Vermouth but she had to keep her emotions cold so she can get things done and get over it already, she wanted to already give her daughter away because the more she sees her the more her love grows.

All done...everything all gone from her pink walls and stuffed animals everywhere to nothing left of her...even her daughters smell was gone too

Vermouth had her deceased boyfriends' best friend pick Juliet up and her suitcases

(Note: Vermouth's lover and his best friend know that Vermouth works in the BO and knows her whole life story...and they both never worked in the organization at all)

(Another note: Vermouth's deceased lover name was "Holmes Enos" and his best friends name is "Angelo")
There was a knock at the door...Vermouth knew it was time and it will be the last time she'll see her daughter

Vermouth took a deep breath and opened the door for Angelo

Angelo: Long time no seen Chris

Angelo had a genuine smile, he's truth worthy, loyal, and very understanding Vermouth trusted him surprisingly

Vermouth smiled at him and offered him to come in

Juliet was surprised to see her Uncle Angelo (not her actually uncle it's just due of respect she calls him uncle)

Juliet ran up to Angelo who squatted down and gave her a big hug

Angelo: I got a surprise for you

Juliet: Hmm what is it?

Angelo: it's behind you ears!

Angelo "magically" appeared a candy toy from Juliets ear

Juliet didn't seem intrigued and gave Uncle Angelo a blank look

Angelo: Oh don't be like your mother

Vermouth sarcastically scoffed

Juliet took the candy and went back playing on the couch with her bear

Angelo: I will never let harm come to her even if I die

Vermouth had a wave of sadness hit her she tried to smile but it gave off a sad Aurora

Angelo: I hope you know that this doesn't make you a bad mother Chris, your being a loving mom to her you don't want her to suffer as you did

Vermouth tried to speak but her voice cracked

Vermouth just hoped everyday a Silver Bullet would appear and crush the organization to pieces, she wanted a normal life, she wanted a normal life with her daughter and surround herself with people who cared and love her and her daughter that's all she's asking for

Vermouth: Is it too much to ask for a normal life?

Angelo knew what she meant but he didn't have an answer for her that will comfort her

Vermouth: I guess it is

Time...It was time for Juliet to leave

Vermouth went upstairs or she'll change her mind last minute

Angelo: come on Jules

Angelo was putting Juliets suitcases in trunk of his car

Jules didn't see her mother but she knew that her mother wasn't feeling well these past couple of days so she left her teddy bear on the couch with a note "lov yuo mumey", it wasn't a perfect note the words were everywhere and sloppy handwriting

Angelo: Jules let's go we're gonna be late

Juliet: I'm coming

(Note: Jules does know where she is going but the excuse was that Vermouth has a Bussines trip that Jules can't go on and that someone needs to take care of her for a long time)


The house was empty and depressing. Vermouth took a shower and now is on her sofa drowning herself in Alcohol n cigarets

Vermouth sang with her sad raspy voice

Vermouth: My baby, my baby, your my baby say it to me


Author here!!!

I understand this fanfic is looking shitty rn BUTTTT  it will get better with plot twists hopefully 😻

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now