papert 5

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-the nendxt day-

*dsigh* herferbirne lieks bouyfrined from friday night funkin more that me..,..., *sharts cfyring(

herrobrine: hehy babby igrl omg whyy are oyu idcyring

because *cry* bacuese oyu *cry* like *cyr* like boyfirned morke htan me *cry98

herorbinre: ok iahve a daset with buyyfirend from frifday niught funkin in a minutue brb


herorbrine: *goors on dastde with boyfriend form friday night funfkin*

herorebrine: ok backl


giglrefriend: *cumes*

boyfnmfrirnd: oh my godfo girlfreidn what asrer you dodign hwere

grilgrfirnd: omg arre youy cheateing on me

herorbrine: no mbecause im heis boyfriend

girlgrrind: but im his girlfrinfd

boyfriend: beep bop boob

grilfirned: omg i cnant belief yo uhceaerting on me

boyfirned: i tolkd you last night we brocke up but youy wee rdrunk

girlfirned: ok

boyfirend: ok herorbirne ijm going back home with my girlfbeep boop bap beep

herorbirne: no dont leave me here i love oyu

boyfirned and girlrfeind: *goes throrugh protal and ggorore hoenme*

herorbrine: ok *cires*

hrerobrine i loov0e you

herrorbine: ok lets go on a date

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