21 Taste the Heat

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Evie knew she couldn't hide out at Hawk's house forever, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try.

She was playing with his hair, running her fingers through the blue strands as she laid in his bed. The early morning sun tried telling them it was time to get out of bed, but both were unwilling to move. She could lay there forever, just messing with his hair, and he could stay like that and let her. The rest of the world could burn down and he'd be content like that.

When his parents asked what she was doing there, she had wanted to tell them the truth at first. However, as the words were just about to leave her mouth, she clammed up. She didn't want to have to explain it all again. Telling Hawk had been hard enough, because it had been raw and so soon after everything had happened. She didn't want to relive it by retelling it.

So Hawk, on the fly, lied and told them that he'd gone to get her early for a little one-on-one training. His dad was already halfway out the door and his mother seemed happy with that answer. Evie didn't know if they actually believed that, but when the two went down to the basement to do some training, like he'd said they were going to do, she didn't push their luck.

That was how day one went. She'd made it through pretty decently, with a shower and some breakfast (which was at lunch time since they'd gone to bed so late). Evie knew Mrs. Moskowitz knew something was wrong but wasn't asking her what it was. It wasn't as if Evie was doing a good job at hiding it anyway.

Day two was when the sun was trying to rouse the teens. They just weren't paying attention.

Hawk looked at her, absolutely in love with the feeling of her fingers in his hair. It was soothing, pleasant, it felt natural, like they were supposed to be there. It was nice and felt so good that he kissed her and put his hands into her hair.

Her fingers curled in his hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. He rolled onto her, pushing his tongue past her lips when she moaned. She put an arm around his neck, moaning into his mouth more, and she had him right where she wanted him. She sucked on his tongue, pulling a surprised groan from his throat.

He pulled away, looking down at her. She was panting softly, smirking up at him. He smirked back at her, resting his arms on either side of her head before he dove back in. He took her lower lip between his own, sucking it between his teeth. The solid contrast of her rings against her soft, supple fresh drove him crazy.

She tugged on his shirt, making him pull away again. He quickly pulled it over his head, throwing it down while she watched with her swelling lip caught between her teeth. She reached out to him, sitting up, to put her hands on his chest. Over the last several months, his muscles had become more defined and he'd seen how she'd taken notice.

Suddenly, she grabbed his shoulders and hooked her leg over his, flipping them over swiftly. For a brief moment, it felt like they were on the mat. Except her lips wouldn't drag along his chest if they were training; her teeth wouldn't be grazing his skin. He closed his eyes, loving the feeling of her lips on him.

"Evie," he groaned, looking at her.

She looked at him through her lashes, her onyx eyes somehow looking darker when they swirled with desire. She smirked against his skin, closing her eyes before continuing her work.

He tilted his head back, hands gripping her hips tightly. He rolled her hips down on his, knowing she felt his arousal but he just wanted to make sure she knew the effect she had on him. It didn't help that she was wearing his clothes and she looked so good in them. He felt her moan vibrate his chest, electrifying his heart as she started rolling her hips on her own.

Then his phone chimed. He was going to ignore it, but she pulled away. She threw all of her hair over one shoulder and looked down at him, hands braced on his shoulders. She smirked. "Perfect timing."

Match in the Gas Tank || Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora