Chapter 9: Right And Wrong

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Lan Wangji and Lan Ying is now in bunny field

" A-zhan, how did you know if what you are doing is right or wrong" Lan Ying suddenly ask Lan Zhan

"what did you suddenly ask" Lan Wangji ask in surprise by the sudden question

"i remember your story about a boy who lost his parent at young age, got adopted by his fathers friend, that boy was abused by his fathers friends wife while the children doesn't stop their mother but somewhat treat him right, suddenly the heir of that family lost his core so the boy gave his and the boy want to revenge to the one who attack them which resort of him being demonic cultivation because he doesn't have a choice plus he wants to survive , A-zhan do you think what he did is right? or wrong? about being demonic cultivators?" He ask, Lan Wangji was somewhat surprise but compose himself and he remember what his brother told him when he ask almost the same question

"There are no sets of rule, There wasn't a clear line between right and wrong. What makes us human can't be judged simply as right ang wrong. It lies within ourselves, As we evaluate others, we shall not label them as black or white but know their deep intention inside" Lan Wangji decide to answer him in what his brother told him

" So what he did is right? because his intention is pure" Lan Ying said

"mn" Lan Wangji said and suddenly remember how people treat wei ying when he become a demonic cultivator, he doesn't want that to repeat

" A- Ying can you promise me something?" Lan Wangji said , making lan ying look at him

" what is it?"

" Promise me to protect your core and yourself. don't be like the boy, giving his core and becoming a demonic cultivator can you promise?" Lan Wangji ask

'Wei Ying i don't want you to experience that pain that you experience in your past life, becoming a lan instead of jiang already change your fate but im still afraid, afraid to lose you, about wen qing and other wens remnants, tomorrow i will go in dafan to warn them and send them far away, away from cultivation specially in wen rouhan side, so you wont have a reason to go to burial mound and be hated by everyone' Lan Wangji's thought

" A-ying do you want to come with me tomorrow?" Lan Zhan suddenly ask

" Where?"

" Dafan Mountain, I wish to save wens who is branch of medic, i don't want wen rouhan to use them when the time comes" Lan Wangji said, making Lan Ying stilled before nodded his head

" But no one should know that we are the one who save them, or else the wens will target us" Lan Ying said

" Then should we let them stay in cloud recess? so wen rouhan wont hurt them" Lan Wangji curiously ask, he wants to know what will a-ying do

" No, We should send them away from cultivation world so wens can't use them at the same time they won't implicate the Lan Sect" Lan Ying answer making Lan Wangji froze for moment and suddenly remember that A-ying still doesn't know wen qing and wen ning and they just help them because wen ning and wen qing once help him

The next day

Lan Wangji and Lan Ying travel to dafan and was welcome by ganny's

"We want to talk wen qing" Lan Zhan said

The granny look at them in curious and lead them to a house

" A-qing someone is looking for you" The granny said and a familiar woman to Lan Wangji was saw, Lan Wangji look at Lan Ying and he only saw curiosity

" Who are you?" Wen Qing said

"We are here to warn you" Lan Ying said

" And why should we believe you?!"

" Then don't , just don't ask us for help and regret for not believing us!" Lan Wangji suddenly explode and glare, he knows that this wens is innocent but he doesn't like the way she talk to A-ying

Wen Qing was suddenly taken aback by Lan Wangji

" Miss Wen it's up to you if you want to believe or not, but wen rouhan wanted to use you and your family, i know that your branch is a healer and if you don't want to be include in upcoming dispute you better hurry to leave the cultivation world and live far away, i suggest that you go in remote area, this is the only things that we can help you, i suggest that you leave now before wen rouhan notice" Lan Ying said, The Wens doctor branch is stranger to him but he still felt pity to them and want to help them

" If you don't want to listen then dont, but don't expect us to help you when things get complicated" Lan Wangji said coldly and pull Lan Ying away, he just hope that they listen

" A-zhan do you think they will listen to us?"

" It's not our problem anymore" Lan Wangji said coldly. he is pissed, he remember again the death of his wei ying, his greatest nightmare, he suddenly hear a giggle

"aw lan zhan your so cute when you're pissed" Lan Ying said making Lan Zhan's ear become red

'being cute is really hard, because even when im angry lan ying will just giggles at me and says ' aww your so cute when you're angry ' like can't he recognize my power? I am also a man

"are you hungry?" Lan Wangji decide to say, he doesn't want to deal with grumpy lan ying because when he is  hungry his personality change so much

The Wens ( Doctor Branch)

"A-NING, A-Ning " wen qing call his brother and when he saw him he said

" A-ning tell other to pack their things and valuable thing like money, we will leave as soon as possible and live far from cultivation" Wen Ning didn't question his sister and do what he is being ask

And all of them leave,didn't got seen anymore and live far away

" A-ying eat"

" feed me lan er gege"

Lan Wangji just sigh and feed Lan Ying, this become the habit of both of them when they are eating with just the two of them, but deep inside Lan Wangji is enjoying this

' Next time, what i will feed you is different ' Lan Wangji's evil thought

" A-zhan the food is still hot, i can't eat it, let them cool down a little" Lan Ying said

' you're hot too and i still want to eat yo- Lan Wangji what are thinking about!' Lan Wangji's thought

Lan Wangji's ear burn but he still let the food cool down a little by blowing it before feeding it to his grown child

After few bites, Lan Ying don't want to eat the dishes anymore and want to eat sweet

" A-ying eat some of this more, it will be bad for your health " Lan Wangji said seriously, he can do or buy him things that he likes as long as it wont harm him

He is turning 15, im sure he is ready and old enough to know my feelings, i should start hinting him. if he doesn't like me, i will make him love me. mine, my lan ying

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