Chapter 1: Awoken

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All characters belong to Sega.
Art is by me, yours truly.

Darkness... That was all that could be heard.
All that could be seen. It was all just... Darkness. Who knows how long it had been silent. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Maybe even days, weeks, month's, or even years...

"Hey! Wake up!"

A voice was suddenly heard over the dark silence. Everything then began to lightly shake.

"Come on! Please! Wake up!"

The voice sounded like a male. A boy with a bit of a nasal in his voice. Pretty high to be an adult, but the being wasn't visible right now. It was hard to tell.

"You have a pulse! At least you're alive! You just need to wake up!"

She finally opened her eyes, slowly and saw a pair of golden brown eyes staring back at her.

"Oh thank Chaos you're alright!" The person smiled. He backed a little away, showing more of his appearance to her. He was a tiny little fellow, looked to be possibly a chihuahua..? He had red brown fur with white on the stomach area, his hands and feet, and a small patch of fuzzy white hair at the top of his head. He wore a strange necklace that has a green circular gem and had small green fairylike wings.

She groaned when a splitting headache finally hit her. She slowly started to get up off the ground she was laying on, using her hand for support and lifted herself up, her other hand now on her head and gently rubbing it.

"Please take it easy," said the flying chihuahua, "you've been out for who knows how long in that tube!"

Tube? She looked at him, confused.

"Yeah!" He nodded and pointed at something behind her, "That thing!"

She turned her head and saw sure enough, a giant tube looking object. There was a ton of broken glass everywhere, along with a strange glowing blue liquid that was dripping off said glass. Large wires were inside, looking like they originally connected to something.

Just... What is this?!

"Can you stand up?" The chihuahua asked her. "We really shouldn't be here for very long, actually..."

She looked at him with concern, but allowed him to help her up. She groaned and whimpered as she attempted to stand. It really hurt for some reason.

"There we go!" The small one smiled at her, "Oh!" His ears perked up, "I haven't even said my name yet! My name is Light Gaia, but you can call me Chip!"

Chip. It was a cute name for the little guy, she'll admit. The other name didn't make any sense to her. She looked over and noticed in front of the broken tube she was apparently in earlier, was a large computer. She very carefully moved her legs towards it, as she realized she could see her reflection in it. What did she look like..?

"Hey!" Chip called, "What are you..?" He watched her stare at herself on the empty computer screen. He flew over to her. "Ohhh! You're checking yourself out!"

She stared at herself. She was a manx with orange brown fur and peach on the muzzle. She had deep blue eyes and her hair was a light brown tied back in a ponytail by a large yellow ribbon. She wore a red tank top with a yellow stripe at the bottom, the shirt didn't fully cover her though, as a small bit of her stomach showed. She also had on a matching red skirt that had a yellow stripe at both the top and bottom, black shorts were shown underneath the skirt.

She lifted a hand to touch her face and realized she was also wearing white gloves and large red bracelets. She felt the fabric on her gloved hand touch her face and took a step back to look at herself more and saw her red and white shoes that had gold anklets on them.

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