Chapter 5: The Entities Part 1:

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"Anyway...I'm Aldryx." Agoti's brother introduced holding out a hand which you shook.

"Great to meet ya dude." You said with a bright smile.

"Heh, I should be saying that considering you're the guy who saved my little bro from the void." Aldryx chuckled as you both let go of each other's hand.

"Yeah, thanks again for that man, I really owe you one." Agoti said calming down and giving a gentle smile.

"Aw, I mean I was kinda trapped too and I hated that so, y'know..." You replied blushing bright blue.

"Little bro you were right, he can blush!" The older brother replied amazed at a blushing robot.

"Told ya." Agoti smirked smugly.

"Really though, it's nice meeting anyone new, especially if it's someone my buddy knows." You stated as the blush faded. "So why're you guys here by the way?"

"Oh right, ever since Agoti got back from the void he's been wanting to try all his favorite foods and snacks that he couldn't while in there." Aldryx explained before pointing to a shelf with an assortment of Sweets and candy on it.

"Today I'm gonna try Sugar Loops." Agoti stated referring to the bag that held sugar-coated jelly rings of various flavors.

You did wonder how Agoti survived in there without food or water, according to him, he's been in there for a long time.

He said he just never felt hungry or thirsty in there, like his metabolism just stopped.

Weird, but different dimensions could probably effect one's physiology...maybe.

"Well I'm just glad to see you're doing alright." You replied before turning to leave.

"Hang on a sec dude" . Agoti said stopping you.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"I'm actually glad I ran into you here cause Solazar said he finally has enough free time to meet you." He explained making you smile.

Solazar had wanted to meet you sooner, but he was too busy according to Agoti.

"Awesome and you can finally meet my mom too." You said excited.

Agoti looked a bit confused at this.

"Didn't you say she doesn't like meeting new people?" He asked.

"I'll find a way." Was your simple response.

"It's settled then, where should we meet up?" Aldryx asked and you began to think.

Suddenly an idea came to you.

"What about Muffet's?" You suggested and both brothers looked confused.

"Who?" They both asked.

"Muffet's." You clarified putting down your groceries. "She's a spider lady that owns a cafe."

"Never heard of her." Agoti shrugged.

"Ditto." Aldryx added.

"Well then I feel sorry for you, her pastries are so good you'll totally forget about the fact she puts spiders in them." You explained confidently.

Both Aldryx and Agoti gained looks of disgust.

"I'm serious...they're THAT good that I don't care that I'm munching on a spider donut." You stated. "The only problem I have are the prices."

"Uh...yeah...okay." Agoti said rather hesitantly.

"Great, I'll send you the address when I get home and you can send me the time to go." You said enthusiastically.

Void and Soul: (Nikusa x Male Napstaton Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin