Chapter 3, Lustfull feelings...

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{English isn't my first language so excuse the grammar and vocabulary mistakes!}

[1 week later]

Y/n's POV:

I was still confused why Sukuna actually took me into his domain and left all these bites on my neck, even the thought of it made me blush and gave me butterflies in my stomach and I didn't understand why?

General POV:

You were laying on your bed still thinking to yourself of what happend last week, Itadori has been avoiding you so a thing like this wouldn't happen again. He said it's to protect you. On every mission if Yuuji would switch with Sukuna, before Yuuji would switch he would demand you to hide somewhere at least 500m out of range so Sukuna wouldn't be able to sense or find you.

Today you had another mission and it was assigned with Itadori, Itadori tried to talk his was of not going on a mission with you but he had no choice because it was a serious threat, it was the cursed spirit Mahito.

You:"Ugh, him again?!"

Yuuji:"Are you kidding me? He's gonna be such a pain in the ass!" 

You:"Try not to switch with Sukuna today, I don't feel like running so far away and leaving you alone with that pest." 

Yuuji:"I'll try my best!"

Mahito:"Well well, look who's back. I thought you were dead because Sukuna chased after you but i guess you escaped!"

You:"Oh shut up already, your voice is going to be the death of me if you continue speaking."

Mahito:"Now now Y/n, don't be such a meanie."

You:"Oh shut up curse, i couldn't care less about your poor emotions or feelings."

Mahito:"Now that hurt, i guess i'll just kill you."




You and Yuuji were seriously weakend by Mahito and Yuuji had no choice... He switched with Sukuna, now Mahito is screwed but as soon as Mahito saw the marks appear on Yuuji's face he fled, Mahito knew that he could NOT win a fight with Sukuna so he escaped.

You broke your ankle while fighting Mahito so you were unable to hide from Sukuna, he walked up to you... Your heartbeat increased... Sukuna suddenly touched your injured ankle and healed it? You looked at him confused of why he would heal your injuries?

Sukuna:"Are you just going to stare at me, at least thank me for healing your ankle."

You snapped out of it.

You:"Huh- oh- Thank you i guess.. Why would you heal m-"





He wouldn't even let you finish your sentence and took you to an empty building, you were still processing what had happend when he sat you down on the floor against a wall, he was checking if you had any further injuries. Everytime his hands touched your body your face would turn as red as a tomato, you've never experienced this feeling, you felt everything getting hot, your body temperature started rising at a rapid speed but it didn't feel like a fever. 

Sukuna started to notice as well, he smirked. He suddenly got really close to your face and you just couldn't resist anymore. You pulled him in for a kiss, he imediatley started kissing you back, it was a kiss full of lust and the kiss turned into a heated make-out session, exploring eachothers mouth, trying to fight for dominance.

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