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Q: Were other Disney or Dreamworks references intentional?

A: Other than Disney and Dreamworks Academy? No. Other references may have slipped unintentionally or have given me ideas for dialogue or plot, but no. I did try to only use references from Rise of the Guardians and Frozen, since it is a Jelsa fanfiction.


Q: Why is Jack's middle name Oliver instead of Overland?

A: Wow, I've been asked this a lot. Well, the answer is... I don't really know. I wanted to make this a modern sort of realistic fan-fiction, so obviously I had to take away their powers. Bummer, I know. I guess I wanted to make it a more "realistic" middle name. Personally, I haven't met anyone with the middle name: Overland, but there could be someone out there. To be honest, I don't really understand why Overland is so related to Jack. Maybe a last name before he became Jack Frost? I don't know. Any clarification would help! :)


Q: In the line "Olaf scooted into the crowd rushing by her locker and was sucked out of sight," is it inferring that Olaf is a girl or just a typo?

A: Neither! Olaf is a boy and it is not a typo. It was a bad author grammatical mistake. By the word: her, I was referring to Elsa, since they were just talking at Elsa's locker. I'm sorry it wasn't clear at first.


Q: Do you block or report all comments with bad words, including kill, on your story?

A: No! I don't delete any of my comments! Wattpad detects those words and reports them automatically! I actually enjoy those comments a lot, since most of them are directed at Hans, which was just the kind of response I was going for!


Q: When Elsa cries in Hans' arms and finds it kind of comforting, was it a Helsa moment?

A: No! No! No! She thought her parents just died for pete's sake! It was just a very emotional moment for her and any comfort was welcomed. If you ship Helsa and want to take it that way, go ahead. I won't discriminate. It's just a Jelsa book and so there will be Jelsa.


Q: When Jack draws Elsa subconsciously, why is her hair dark?

A: He's never seen her before, and therefore, has no idea what she looks like. He only has her voice to go off of. And to be totally honest, I kind of based his drawing off of Idena Menzel, as most of you know, the voice of Elsa. Since he only had her voice to go by... ;)

See what I did there?


Q: Why did you write Anna was completely incapable of hatred when she clearly hates Hans?

A: I'd prefer the term: Very Strongly Dislikes (Hans). And this is also Elsa's impression of Anna. She thought Anna was incapable of hatred, until certain people *cough cough* Hans *cough* make her sister's life miserable. Subtle, right?


Q: What prank, exactly, did Elsa pull on Hans in the first place?

A: Pretty much pills that make you get over your constipation fast and easy disguised as smarties. I really don't know where it came from. I think I looked up good prank ideas and guess what popped up!


Q: Why does Elsa compare Hans to a cat?

A: *shrugs* I actually like cats and have no idea why Elsa compares Hans to one. (Maybe a little influenced by the Cheshire Cat...Whoops!)


Q: Where did the inspiration for other random names come from? (Ex: Thompson and Max)

A: I really wish I had a better answer for you guys, but I don't. I really have no idea where those names came from. They were probably the most common names I could think of since I couldn't come up with anything else from their actual stories.


Q: Why don't you answer questions (and comments) in the comments of "This Could Be Fun"?

A: So. Many. Comments. I really wanted to answer you comments, but there's just so many that I can't keep up! It's not that I'm not thankful for them, because I am. I'm really sorry, but there are over a thousand comments! And I feel like if I answer some, it won't be fair to others. That's why I made this FAQ book! :)


Q: Are you actually making a sequel?

A: I am trying. I know it's been months, and I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long. I've been so busy and, to be honest, I've been procrastinating a little. Oops. I've got a few chapters finished, but I want to wait until I'm sure I have enough content for a book! If I finally get to working on it more and to posting it, it will be called: "This is Fun." Very original, I know. Other than that, I don't want to give away any spoilers. Thanks for all the support on the first book, btw! It really inspires me to work on the sequel! (I'll update a new chapter in "This Could Be Fun" when I publish the sequel ;). )


Not really a FAQ, but kind of like a 'just so you know' sort of thing...

Q: Why do they sing the song "Let it Go?" Is the Frozen movie out in the story?

A: No, they haven't made the Frozen movie in this book. Sorry. I'm guessing 'Let it Go' is just a song that came out on iTunes.


Okay, I'll admit it. I had a little fun getting these answers off my chest! If you have any other questions, comments or concerns, post them below or PM me! I'm mostly on my mobile and I can't get it to send me notifications when someone PM's me so you'll probably get a faster answer on here in the comments. Hope these answers clear a few things up! And thanks for actually reading "This Could Be Fun" too!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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