"And now?" Aaron demands.

"Now it seems pertinent."

"Unbelievable! That you would withhold such information from me, from us! When you knew of my plans for her—when you knew what pains I'd taken to bring her here—"

"Calm yourself," And I pull away from the door.

Wait, does this mean that Kenji was one of them. I walk away from the door and slip down the wall waiting for Aaron. I need to talk to him. I need to know more, unless... I could always do my own research. I run to my father's room, I don't have a lot of time. He'll be done soon and if I get caught. I almost turn down the hall with soldiers in it.

Shit, Ok new plan. Back routes. I turn around and walk down another hall. This way will take longer but there are no soldiers here. Once I get to my father's room I realize I don't have any keys. I pull out a hairpin. (I know this is kind of cliche, but it works.) I jam two of them in the lock and twist until I hear the lock click. I turn the knob and pull open the door. I look behind me and close the door. My father's room is huge. Bigger than mone or Aarons'. The office is set a little behind the door. When I enter the first thing I see is my father's wall covered in scotch. I see the files sitting behind the conference table. There aren't any windows in here.

Deep breaths. I remind myself. I don't like small spaces. I look through the boxes of files my father has left out. He has them filed in alphabetical order. I'm scanning them for anything remotely looking like the topic when I come across a box labelled Unnaturals. This looks like it. I was about to pull it out of its place when I hear the door click. He's back. I press up against the wall and stop breathing. I hear him enter the bathroom. I take my chances. I run out of the room and open the door as quickly as possible. It makes a loud sound as it closes but that doesn't matter. I'm bolting down the back halls and back to my room. I get there and the door is locked. I fumble for my key and see Aaron walking down the hall.

"Hi," I say but it barely comes out as a whisper from running.

"Hi?" He responds. I open the door to my room and shut it before Aaron can say anything else. I let out a deep breath, again. I need to calm down, my heart is racing a thousand miles an hour. I turn on the shower and strip off my clothes. The hot water races down my shoulders and I let them relax fully, which I haven't done in a while. Having my father here has made me on edge more than ever.

After my shower, I dry my hair enough that it's presentable. I put on some clothes and walk out of my room. I knock on Aaron's door.


"Aaron," I pull him into a hug. "I'm so sorry." Tears are streaming down my face. He pulls me into his room. "I'm sorry, I should've gone with you and I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." He looks shocked, but he returns my hug. He's crying too but in silent tears.

'It's ok Little Bear, I'm sorry too." We squeeze each other really tight and when I finally let go, Aaron says;

"All good now. I'm sorry I haven't been a very good brother."

"It's ok, I get it. I haven't been a very good sister either. I think we both should go to bed we have a long day ahead of us."

"Sounds good, Y/n."

"Night, Bear."

I walk back to my room. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I fall asleep that night feeling better than I have in a while.

I get up feeling really good. Maybe it won't be so bad today. When I get to the dining room Aaron's already there.

"Morning!" I smile at him.

"Morning, Y/n." He doesn't have very much energy in his voice. I look at him confused. Then Delalieu walks in. He sits down and we all start eating. Aarons surprises us both when he asks;

"Where's the coffee, Delalieu?"
Delalieu drops his mug and my jaw drops open.

"I'd like to try it," He tries to spread butter on toast with one hand. "You two are always going on about it, aren't you? I thought I-" I take the toast from him and finish spreading out the butter while Delalieu carts in the tea and coffee tray himself. I pour myself a cup and Delalieu pours Aaron one. He takes a sip and says;

"This isn't terrible." Delalieu face practically splits open with excitement.

"I take mine with cream and sugar. The taste is far better than w-"

"Sugar." Aaron puts his cup down, "You add sugar to it. Of course you do. And you?" He asks me.

"Usually I drink it black but sometimes with cream."

"Do you want any of either, sir?"

"Call back the troops, Lieutenant We're going to be halting daytime missions and instead launching after curfew. You will remain on base. You too, Y/n."
"Are you kidding? I'm going with you!" 

"No, I don't want you getting hurt."

"That's why I'm coming. I don't want you getting shot again."

"Fine, you can come."


"Yes, be ready for 2100 hours, then (2100 hours is 9 pm)

I finish my breakfast and go to start my work for the day. I'm happy Aaron's actually letting me go with him for once. 

When I get down to him everybody is ready to go. 

"Let's do this thing." I whisper to him. 

"It's not something to be excited about, you know." 

"But I'm with you and I can make sure you're ok."

"Soldiers. Let's go."
When we step out of the base the cold air makes its way through my thick layers. I wore a sweater, thick but dressy pants and a t-shirt underneath the sweater. We walk around for a while but when we don't find anything we go back to base. We spent almost three hours patrolling so when we do get back I collapse on my bad and fall asleep. 

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