He quickly opens the diary, he saw that the first entry was made more than a year ago , on the day when Veera left Tanet to search for Prem

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He quickly opens the diary, he saw that the first entry was made more than a year ago , on the day when Veera left Tanet to search for Prem. Parts of the entry are smudged by Tanet's tears. As he reads the entries, tears starts forming in Veera's eyes as he feels Tanet's loneliness and pain. The last page of the diary was written on the day Tanet met Veera in Singapore.

Diary entry:

I met my Veera again but he does not remember me. He said he did not know me. But the first time, our hands touched, I knew he was my Veera. But when I looked into his eyes, I felt like looking into a stranger's eyes. There was no love or recognition in them. Then I saw that love in his eyes once again but it was not for me. It was for Tu. At that moment I knew that I have lost him forever. I lost my Veera, my first love forever.

Last part of the entry was smudged due to tears.

Veera closed the diary and places it back on the night stand along with the photo. He looke at Tanet one last time and walks out of the room.

Veera gets into the car and drives off to Li Mansion. After parking the car, he enter the house and walks towards Tu's room. The room is unlocked and no one is in the room. He quickly searches her room and vanity for something. He finally finds what he was looking for in the jewellery box. He takes it out and looks at it. It was a chain with heart shaped pendant.

He opens the pendant and is shocked to see his and Tanet's photo in it

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He opens the pendant and is shocked to see his and Tanet's photo in it.


Veera turns around and comes face to face with Tu. He shows her the pendant.

Veera: Why?

Tu: Because I..I didn't want to lose you.

Veera: But I was never yours Tu.

Tears start pouring down Tu's eyes.

Tu: But you don't remember him Veera.

Veera: But I can feel his love.

Tu looks at him in shock.

Veera: The first time his hand touched my hand, I felt a current passed through my body. When I touched that pendant, I knew it is precious and I felt like it is very important to me. When I came to Thailand and did not see Tanet, I felt like something is missing. Today, when I saw a guy flirting with him, I felt so irritated and jealous.

Tu: You...You still love him Veera.

Veera looks at Tu with tears in his eyes. He looks at the pendant and kisses it.

Veera: Yes, I love him more than anything in this whole world.

Tu: I am sorry Veera. I am so sorry for taking you away from him.

Veera wipes her tears and smiles at her.

Veera: It's okay.  It's not too late to claim what is mine. But before doing that, I need to teach everyone a lesson for lying to me.

Tu: How?

Veera looks at Tu with a smirk.

Veera: Will you marry me?

Tu: Huh

Flashback ends.

Tanet looks at Veera in shock.

Tanet: So the wedding proposal and marriage

Veera: Were all fake. I just wanted you to feel pressured and tell me the truth. But you went wedding shopping with me even when you were crying inside. You even congratulated me. I was feeling so pissed off. I thought you would cave on the wedding day. But you ran away to Singapore. I stood at the altar and asked our friends if they had something to tell me but they kept their mouths shut to keep the promise they gave you. I literally had to choke the truth out of them. Then when I was about to get on the flight to get you back, I heard about your suicide drama.

Veera looks at Tanet with eyes full of anger.

Veera: Do you have any idea how many times I died in the last few hours that I spend in the flight, not knowing whether you are dead or alive?

Tanet: I ..I am sorry.

Tanet tries to hold Veera's hand but he shakes him off.

Veera: Don't touch me after what you did to me. Now I wonder if you ever loved me.

Tanet: Veera.

Veera: If you loved me, how can you let me go so easily. You didn't even fight for me.

Tanet: Veera, I

Veera: Everything you said is a big lie. You never loved me.


Tanet holds Veera's collar and looks into his eyes with anger and frustration.

Tanet: I love you dammit. You are the only one I have ever loved in my whole life. I let you go because you were happy with Tu. How am I supposed to fight when you are looking at me like a stranger? You can slap me, hit me but you cannot say that I don't love you.

Veera: Can I kiss you?

Tanet: Huh

Veera holds the back of Tanet's neck and pulls him forward to smash their lips together. At first, Tanet is shocked and did not respond. But when Veera licks and nibbles his lower lips, he responds back to the kiss. Veera traces his lips using his tongue and asks for entry into his mouth which he easily grants. Their tongues fight for dominance until they pull away from each due to shortness of breath.

Veera looks Tanet's blushing face and a smirk appears on his face.

Veera: Cute

Tanet: Veee

Veera quickly swipes Tsnet off his feet and carries him into the bedroom.

Tanet: Hey, what are you doing?

Veera: I am hungry. I have been starving for an year.

Tanet: Veeee.

Veera: What? You only said I can do anything I want.

Tanet: Vee, let me freshen up. I stink because of the alcohol.

Veera: I don't care. We anyway have to clean up after we are done.

Tanet: VEE

Tanet hits Veera playfully on his chest.

Soon all they clothes go flying in all directions and the room is filled with their moans.

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