Chapter Fifteen

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Author's Note: I do not own West Side Story or any elements of it.

The days that went past seemed to go by in a blur.

Vivienne felt a constant ache in her chest at all hours, constantly reminding herself of her failure.

Even after having spoken to her professor, who was as shocked and disappointed as she was at her shortcomings, could not do anything to help her distress.

Sadness turned into a depression and she kept the red scarf up by her window the whole time, not wanting to face anyone, especially Riff.

After the third day, she spurred herself out of bed by going through and tidying her apartment, scrubbing surfaces and wiping windows until the skin on her hands was red raw. When she went to clean the kitchen table, she saw the spots and stains of blood that now lay there from countless encounters with a bloodied jet where she fixed and mended them. It all seemed so pointless now. A reminder of her failure of the only thing that had mattered.

It was staring at this table that made her remember to check her first aid kit to ensure she was all stocked up for whatever stupid trouble they would get themselves into next. After all, what else was there for her to do now?

Upon inspection she found that she had run clean out of bandages and thread, so she unwillingly took her coat and made her way outside. She walked down the street towards Doc's, jealous at the smiling people and faces that she encountered along the way. Those who did not seem to be stuck in a cloud of dismay such as hers.

When she reached Doc's, to her annoyance, she found that Valentina had nothing of what she needed in stock, and wouldn't for a few days yet. Not wanting to be caught out and adding further fuel to her self-deprecating fire, she decided to walk uptown and buy it from the other pharmacy a little further up.

On the way up the street, she passed the basketball courts and heard some familiar voices. She looked over and saw Action, Mouthpiece, and Baby John animatedly discussing something that she couldn't quite hear the subject of. Feeling oddly put-off by the idea of talking to them, she tried to walk past with her head down. Although, it wasn't enough to avoid them spotting her, and soon she heard the sound of jogging feet and her name being called.

"Hey, Viv!" Baby John called, and they all appeared by her side.

"Hey," she replied, still keeping her eyes away from them.

"Ain't seen you around in a while."

"Where you goin'?" Mouthpiece asked.

"Just to the pharmacy," she replied, somewhat curt.

"Well you passed it," Action interjected, suspicious as ever. "Doc's is back that way."

"I know. Valentina doesn't have what I need, so I'm going to the other one."

She could feel them passing glances to each other from behind her.

"The one past the park?"


"You can't go there," Mouthpiece explained. "That's PR territory. It'll be lousy with Sharks!"

"Well then I guess you'd better leave me to it."

They followed her shortly, a tension in the air until they reached the end of the street and turned the corner. There, the storefronts began to look unfamiliar with Puerto Rican names and brightly coloured fruits they didn't come across on their end of town. Vivienne made to continue, before the Jets jumped in front of her.

"Hey, you shouldn't," Mouthpiece warned, his voice more serious now than she had ever heard before. "Riff will be pissed."

"Let him be pissed," she countered, growing bored of their interference. "I need to get stuff for you guys for the next time you mess yourselves up for no good reason."

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