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        Suki Marion Thornton is a 21-year-old tradesperson's assistant who enjoys eating out, blogging and sailing. She is bright and creative, but can also be very rude and a bit standoffish.

        She is French. She finished school and then left academia.

        Physically, Suki is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is very short with olive skin, pink hair and black eyes.

        She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. She was raised by her father, her mother having left when she was young.

        She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with a kitchen assistant called Gerald Emmanuel Wyatt, who was the same age as her. They broke up because their strong personalities clashed.

        Suki's best friend is a tradesperson's assistant called Simon Richardson. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Catherine Byrne and Louise Hicks. They enjoy playing video games together.

Basic Information
Name: Suki Marion Thornton
Nicknames: Maryon / Rude Suki
Reason for nicknames: Derived from Marion / Descriptive
Date of birth: Sunday, 8th Apr 2001 (Age 21)
Star sign: Aries
Nationality: French
Ethnicity: South Asian
Social class: Upper class
Religion: Jewish
Sexuality: Unknown
Education: High school
Political views: Apathetic
Relationship status: Single
Career path: Tradesperson

Physical Characteristics
Height: very short
Shape: overweight
Build: very fine build
Hair colour: pink (naturally grey)
Eyes: black
Face shape: long
Glasses/lenses: glasses
Distinguishing marks: none
Other words that might be used: clipped, curvacious, little, overweight, pink-haired, punky, short, squat, stumpy

Positive characteristics: bright, creative
Negative characteristics:rude, standoffish
Words often used: bright, creative, rude, standoffish
Other words that might be used: auspicious, bounderish, bright, brilliant, constructive, creative, crude, early, fanciful, fictive, generative, ill-bred, ill-mannered, imaginative, impolite, ingenious, intelligent, inventive, lowbred, lucent, natural, notional, originative, primitive, productive, promising, raw, rude, scintillating, smart, standoffish, sunny, sunshiny, uncivil, underbred, unmannered, unmannerly, unprocessed, unrefined, vivid, yeasty, yokelish
Moral: not at all
Stable: sometimes
Loyal: sometimes
Generous: sometimes
Extrovert: not at all
Compassionate: sometimes
IQ: 112
Hobbies: eating out, blogging, sailing, playing video games, football, meditation, duck herding, social media, tennis, chess, baking
Diet: eats meat
Favourite foods: jammy biscuits, blueberry muffins

Tea maker
Dana and Daughters
2017 - 2021

Tradesperson's assistant
Simon and Sons
2021 - present

Suki grew up in a wealthy neighbourhood. She was raised by her father, her mother having left when she was young.
Formative years: Suki got is first job as a tea maker at age 16.
Suki decided not to go to college.
Most traumatic childhood experience: Her mother leaving when she was one.


Simon Christian Richardson
(Lifespan: 2002 - present)
Relation: Friend
Occupation: Artist
Age: 20
Relationship: They have a very firey friendship.

Catherine Ruby Byrne
(Lifespan: 2001 - present)
Relation: Friend
Occupation: Receptionist
Age: 21
Relationship: They have a very firey friendship.

Louise Annette Hicks
(Lifespan: 1997 - present)
Relation: Friend
Occupation: Sales assistant
Age: 25
Relationship: They are inseparable.


Alice Chandler Palmer
(Lifespan: 1985 - present)
Relation: Mother
Occupation: Management consultant
Age: 37
Relationship: Infrequent contact.

Barney Marshall Thornton
(Lifespan: 1979 - present)
Relation: Father
Occupation: Admin assistant
Age: 43
Relationship: Generally harmonious.

Alfred Daniel Thornton
(Lifespan: 1995 - present)
Relation: Half brother (shared father)
Occupation: Screenplay writer
Age: 27
Relationship: Suki and Alfred grew up in separate homes but see each other a lot.

Joseph Roger Thornton
(Lifespan: 1996 - present)
Relation: Half brother (shared father)
Occupation: Legal secretary
Age: 25
Relationship: Suki and Joseph grew up in separate homes but see each other a lot.

Former partners

Vernon Darryl Ingram
(Lifespan: 2001 - present)
Relation: Ex-boyfriend (1 year : 2018 - 2019)
Occupation: Kitchen assistant
Reason for breakup: Vernon wanted a quieter life than Suki could provide.
Age: 21
Relationship: No longer keep in touch.

Gerald Emmanuel Wyatt
(Lifespan: 2004 - present)
Relation: Ex-boyfriend (1 year : 2020 - 2021)
Occupation: Kitchen assistant
Reason for breakup: their strong personalities clashed.
Age: 18
Relationship: Occasional frosty contact.

Political Views

Abortion: undecided
Racial equality: pro
LGBTQ rights: very pro
Subsidised healthcare: very against
Gun control: pro
Nuclear disarmament: undecided
Death penalty: against
Tax cuts for the wealthy: undecided
Protecting the environment: undecided


2001, Age 0 | Suki Thornton is born
2002, Age 1 | Mother, Alice Chandler Palmer walks out.
2017, Age 16 | Starts work at Dana and Daughters at tea maker.
2018, Age 17 | Gets together with Vernon Darryl Ingram.
2019, Age 18 | Relationship with Vernon Darryl Ingram ends (Vernon wanted a quieter life than Suki could provide).
2020, Age 19 | Gets together with Gerald Emmanuel Wyatt.
2021, Age 20 | Relationship with Gerald Emmanuel Wyatt ends (their strong personalities clashed). Resigns from job as tea maker at Dana and Daughters. Starts work at Simon and Sons at tradesperson's assistant
2022-04-03 | Present Day

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