Back Story

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A long time ago lived an explorer of Spaniard decent. He was young and eager to impress his king. The king told this man to explore a new land called Scotland but must bring the kings guard. The man agreed with excitement, he was gonna see new land. When they reached Scotland they started to explore, soon they reached a castle. The explorer knocked on the doors to be greeted by a beautiful woman with a golden chalice in her hand filled with what looked like wine.
"Can I help you?" He was mesmerized by this woman with her stunning blonde hair and pale skin. Her eyes were beautiful but odd. One was a light hazel, so light it could be yellow. And the other was a amazing shade of green.
"Umm can I speak to the Lord of this castle?"
"I am one of them. This is a school kind sir. There are four of us. My name is Helga Hufflepuff. Do come in good sir, you and your soldiers must be tired." The man smiled kindly at her.
"Thank you good lady. I'm Silas Fitzgerald and these are the men of the king, from Spain." Helga moved aside and let everyone inside. She walks to the main hall where there were three other people.
"These are my friends and colleagues. We have Godric Gryffindor-" Helga points to a man with one red eye and one gold eye.
"-Rowana Ravenclaw-" she points to a woman with one blue eye and one purple eyes
"-And Salazar Slytherin." She points to a man with one green eye and one silver eye, both snake like. They all wave hello to Silas.
"So do you have magical abilities?" Salazar asked they Spaniard men.
"Umm we don't really know?" Salazar scoffed
"Please let me take you to my chambers lord Silas." Helga glared at Salazar and took Silas by the hand.
"Please excuse his rudeness. He just doesn't know how to act around people. You see we all are witches and wizards, we can use magic to aid us." Silas nodded not knowing really what to say.

Some time goes on and they end up falling in love. Helga also finds out Silas does have magical abilities but he asked her not to tell the men of the king.
"He will surely use me to his advantage. I can't go back now. Plus, there is something I don't want to leave behind."
"And what's that lord Silas?"
"You my love. I don't want to leave you." He puts his hand on her cheek. She smiles at him and closes her eyes.
"If you don't want to leave then we should go to Godric to see what we can do." So they go see Godric to get some advice. He thinks for a bit then brings Silas into his study (the Headmasters office).
"Lord Silas, I think you should fake your own death." He looked shocked of Godrics words.
"Fake my own death? Why?"
"The men of the king will sure not bring homes a corpse now will they?"
"No probably not." The magic that Silas possessed was rare, he could use magic without a wand. Instead he had a family heirloom he wore, a bracelet made of wood beads and 5 citrine stones along with a silver charm that had a bee encrusted on it. Everytime he used magic it glowed, so he only needed to snap his fingers.
"I have the perfect plan!" Salazar said
"And what would that be Lord Slytherin?" Silas asked. He explained his plan and it was beautifully simple. Go into the forbidden forest, get attacked by spiders and they will leave a corpse with a face unrecognizable. It was brilliant. It took a while to get the timing right and the circumstances right as well but eventually they got it right. Then the Kings men left without Silas, he married Helga and they had children.  Silas thought it best if he kept his family heirloom with a man called Ollivanders so that his descendants could find it in safe keeping.

*Present Day*

A girl raised in Spain was exploring some random ruins when a slight glow appeared, the girl was roughly 14 years old and was not timid. She was shy around humans but she flourish in nature. Her name was...

~To Be Continued~

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