Everyone's attention at that point, but Pah-chin immediately jumped to the conclusion that nobody would tell on their own gang.

"Nincompoop." Kokonoi began. "If no one here snitched, how can so many places get searched on the same day?"

"I told you! Who do you think you're callin' a nincompoop!"

"Moron and nincompoop means the same thing, you bastard!" Peh-yan yelled. "I'm the one who called him a moron." Smiley spoke.

"Shut up!"

"If you're pickin' a fight with Koko, then I'll take it on!"

"Want some beating, you scramp!?

"Bring it on!"

Things were started to take a bad turn when a new individual stepped into the room. "Having fun, aren't we?" Before Takemichi could comprehend everything, everyone present, save for Chifuyu and himself, bowed respectfully at the new guy.

"Good evening, sir!"

Takemichi looked at the others before turning to person that everyone was bowing to. Kisaki! "Enough with the formality, guys." Kisaki smiled at them.

"It sure is rare to see you show up for our managers meeting, Kisaki-san."

"I've got some minor business to deal with." He replied, while Takemichi stared at him with surprised. This guy is Kisaki? He seems like a different person somehow. Kisaki then turned to Takemichi. "Takemichi, Chifuyu. Could I have a moment with you two?"

"Uh... Sure."


They were being led to a very luxurious place and Kisaki bid them to sit down. Although, Chifuyu refused to.

While Kisaki acted all friendly with the two of them, Takemichi was a bit on the suspicious side. It was Kisaki after all. The man who killed Hinata numerous times in different timelines. He was on edge the whole time.

"We've known each other for a long time, haven't we?" Takemichi was brought out of his thoughts when Kisaki spoke. "I never thought I'd still hang out with the same friends I had all those years ago." When Takemichi made a face, Kisaki asked if he said something weird, to which he denied.

"Takemichi, Chifuyu." He avoided their gazes. "What do you think about me?"


"You hate me, don't you?"

Takemichi tensed up at his comment, but said nothing while Kisaki continued. "It was around this time, 12 years ago. When Baji died. That was all my fault."

"I set up the Bloody Halloween."

Of course I knew. Takemichi thought. I knew, but... Why is he telling us that now? He still decided to say nothing, allowing Kisaki to talk again. "I used Hanma, get Hanemiya Kazutora involved, and created Valhalla. Then I had it clash with Toman."

"Why did you do such a thing?"

It was as if he expected Chifuyu's question as he stared down at the table. "I wanted power. I wanted to achieve something worthy of praise. If I could settle that conflict, everyone would bow  before me. I was desperate. I didn't think Baji would end up dead."

"I mean it, Chifuyu." Kisaki suddenly stood up, causing Chifuyu stand on guard. The blond bowed deeply, stating his apology. "I always wanted to apologize to you. After 12 years, I finally understand. What's really important are friends."

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