What they want...

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Parents want an perfect girl.I give them a brown hair girl with green eyes,they were disappointed.They told me they want a green eye blonde instead got a brown hair green eye girl.They would always yell at me to be a good housewife.Always a disappointment never good enough for them.I try to make my parents happy but it's never good enough.What I get is yelling or a slap on my face.I'm a disappointed aren't I wish I was not there cause my parents would be way better if I wasn't there.Days past more,more sad,more yelling,more slaps.Past by keep a smile on it my darkness secret the wounds get more,in my back bloody back.Keep the truth to your self cover it can't tell any one they won't believe it.My sibling's won't believe there denying the truth,lies after lies. Argument after argument tears after tears dying inside killing myself slowly.I'm tired of my parents treating me like this I will kill them on the day guests come I will blame it on them.They won't believe a innocent girl I got to act like the guest kill them.Today the day I blame the guest on killing my parents.There coming I'm wear a pink dress hair nice back bloody as hell.Yes there coming to the house.Mom,I going to accept my wedding.That good hear finally you grow up.I have the knife on my hands.Can I give you a hug.I would love to get a hug.As I hug her I got the knife aim it on her stomach.Ooh- I should have know- call somebody.I put the knife in one of the guest pocket.Dad I found mom dead on the ground.No honey you can't- father start to crying I was laughing inside foolish father she weak.Dad I found blood footprints on the floor.Father follow the bloody footsteps into the guest.Can I check your pockets sir.Sure, You killed my wife I I'm calling the police.Haha foolish people giving each other a chance.My life couldn't get more better i was acting like I was crying.I may be I a little girl I can get way with anything.I was smiling like the a monster my smile I wanted to laugh but I have to act like I a shit about my mother the lier,cheater to.I waited until my everything got back to normal at the house.Next is father I'm now 15 still a girl turning into a woman.Older brother and sister were always blame me for mother death I don't give a shit about that slut.Father told us to wear a nice outfit for our new guests.My plan is when the guest gets in the house I will ask he or she to help me cut the fruit.Hey- can you help with something? Sure-the guest said i know you hate my father why is that? I hate him he got my slut ex-wife pregnant.I have a half sibling- yea I really want to kill him so bad but my ex told me to visit the guy who got her pregnant.Did you bring the slut with you? Yea- why? We are going to kill him and blame on your ex-wife.Umm- what your plan kid and why would want to kill your dad? He makes my back bloody- ooh-let's fucking killing him- haha someone that finally agree me! Did you kill your mother to? Yea she abused me in the back to wanted me to not be a decrease for our family only me.your wear this black clothes cover your face to.Aim for the stomach I will act again cry like I did with my lier father.Good- now? Yea now ran- 911 one my guest kill my dad my other guest saw it *starts to cry* we are coming- I didn't do it! The little girl did it my ex-husband did it to! I found the body right next to says *her name of the slut* to the Judge.*Judge says her name* sentence to death her the death of *says father name* next is my siblings! Hahahaha- Why is that? They bullied me and my older brother rape me I told my parents they didn't believe me! What a piece of shit they treat you like trash even though you try to make them happy.This Saturday my sibling are going to bring there friends over the plan is when the friends get a snack come back to their bed they will be dead.With the letter bloody saying lier.You will wear the same black clothes that you wear in my father death.We blame the death of my lier sibling on there friends they were crying for life.I'm so happy now my friend happy he adopted me teach me the ways how to kill someone.Hahahaha fools-the slut is dead  the cheater is dead the bitch is dead.

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