"What about me? I cannot believe none of you complimented me yet." Enzo's mother fake pouted as we chuckled at her. "You look absolutely beautiful." I smiled at her, telling the truth. That forest green dress hugged her body perfectly. Beauty runs in the De Luca's family for sure.

"And how about us?" Enzo's voice earned our attention. Turning around, Enzo and his father stood on the stair with a smirk on both of their faces. Enzo was looking at me while Killian was looking as his wife with love and adoration visible in his eyes.

"I think my son asked a question." Killian said, "he asked how do we look?"

"You boys look fine." Isabella, Enzo's mother shrugged, smiling. "Fine? Just fine?" Killian faked his hurt, shaking his head disapprovingly at his wife.

"How do i look, princess?", Enzo asked, smirking at me. "Fine." I shrugged making him glare at me.

"Let's go, son." Killian rolled his eyes, "These ladies do not deserve us and clearly, they're blind."

Lyla looked at me and her mom before we all bursted out laughing. Enzo groaned, "Let's go otherwise we'll be late." We soon left after our laughter died.


We were all gathered around the table in my dining room. Irina sat next to my father, her brother, Jackson sat next to her, Blake sat next to me along with Enzo and Lyla sat next to her parents.

I glanced at Jackson, Irina's brother only to find him already staring at me. I couldn't help but feel like something was off with him and he seemed familiar. I just could not point my finger on where i saw him before. I think Enzo felt the same thing considering how he was looking at him, suspiciously.

"So, how have you been, Jade?", My dad's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Fine actually, i have an announcement to make." I replied, looking at Enzo who smirked at me. Thing is, we agreed to tell our family we're together, we're dating and we hoped they would not make a fuss even if they did, im not leaving him.

"Jade and i are dating." Enzo stated making my dad choke on his wine. Blake smirked and Enzo's parents looked happy. Irina on the other hand, clutched her wine glass to an extent that it could break anytime now.

"Wow well-" My dad cleared his throat, "That was unexpected but i approve." He smiled at me before turning to Enzo, "You break her heart boy, i'll have your head."

"Im so fucking glad it's you my sister is dating. I know you will take good care of her and protect her." Blake said, smiling at Enzo who nodded.

"Congratulations." Jackson spoke, earning all of our attentions. Instead of replying, both Enzo and I gave him a curt nod to which he returned with one of his.

"So, Jackson is it?", Enzo started, "Where do you come from?" He continued, saying the You in a disrespectful manner.

"I think what he meant to ask was, where are you from?" Enzo's mother glared at him before innocently smiling at Jackson.

"Im from Italy." He replied, taking a sip of his wine. "Italy you say?" I started earning a nod from him, "Jackson is a very odd name considering you're from Italy-" I continued, eyeing him suspiciously, "Not that im judging, of course." 

"Well, my mother is American and she met my father in Italy. I was born there. The reason why Im named Jackson is because my mother isn't very fond of Italian names." Jackson explained.

"But she sure is fond of Italian dicks." Enzo muttered, loud enough for everyone around the table to hear. Blake and i choked on our drinks while a smile appeared on my dad's face. Killian had his fist over his mouth, trying to control himself from laughing and Isabella was glaring at Enzo for being disrespectful. Jackson was glaring at Enzo along with Irina but they did not say a word.

I kept looking between Irina and her brother, trying to find a similarity between the two of them but to my surprise, i could not find any. They did not look as siblings.

"You guys look so different from each other." I pointed out, making them snap their gaze to me, "No similarities at all. Brother from another mother or father?" I questioned, looking at both of them.

Irina started scratching her arm nervously before her brother spoke, "No. We share the same parents." 

"Oh-" i started, looking at Irina with a smirk, "So you took after your father." She looked at me confusion took over her features, "What do you mean?"

"You like American dicks." I said continued, "Your dad liked American puss-" Blake bursted out laughing when Irina cut me off, "Okay! We get it."

My dad was glaring at me along with Irina and Jackson. Enzo on the other hand, had a proud smirk on his face. "You don't have an accent." He pointed out, looking at both Jackson and Irina.

"I stopped practicing the language and lost the accent, i guess." He shrugged earning a 'Hmm' from Enzo who kept glaring at him, studying him. He was suspicious of them, just like me and we both knew they're lying.


Thanks for waiting for the update. I was not feeling well these past few days and writing was just not an option. Thankfully, im feeling very much better now. I'll try to update more often and finish this book as soon as possible.

And if "Isabella" was not Enzo's mother name in the previous chapters, well, it is now.

Thank you again :)

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