Old friend New start

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Miku's P.O.V.

   Six years. That is how long since Mikuo and the others have arrived. Six years I've spent my life with him. Six years we've been best friends. Six years that I've loved him. And it's  Six  years that I have grown to like him more and more. Yet, I'm scared to tell him. Scared of being rejected. Scared of runing our friendship. Our bond.
     If ever that bond is severed, It'd break my heart. I don't want that. I want to spend even more time with Mikuo. I want to keep singing with Mikuo like how we always do. I want see his smiling face. Hear his laugh. Stare into those deep teal colored eyes that look at me kindly. Feel his strong arms around me as he embraces me whenever he greets me. Seeing him smile. Everything. I love everything about him. I have to tell him. I must tell him!
     With that resolve in mind, I went to go see Rin-chan. If I were to ask advice from anyone, it'd be her. She went through the same thing before she confessed to Len. Look at them now. They stick together like glue. I want a relationship like that. Tight nit. Tied together by the red string of fate.
     I was standing in front of Rin and Len's room and I took a deep breath. In, out. San-ni-ich(3-2-1). Yosh!
    I opened the door and there stood Mikuo in front of Rin and Len. Rin smiled at me and then gave Len a nod. He smiled at her and nodded himself.
    "Mikuo, let's go continue this conversation in your room ok?" Len said as he got up from his bed. Rin and Len have one of the biggest rooms and you can clearly see how they seperated it. Rin's side had Rin's style and Len had his side, his way. So technically one side was orangish and clean; the other yellowish and messy.
     "Alright. Hey Miku." Mikuo greeted as he exited the room with Len behind him. The door then closed.
    "So, how's it going Miku-san?" Rin asked cheerfully.
    "Huh? Oh, I have a question. A-ano. More or less I need your advise for something." I said nervoulsy.
    "Yeaaa? Come on, spit it out." Rib encouraged.
     "I like Mikuo!" I blurted out. I then sqeaked and covered my mouth as I blushed a deep shade of red. I said it. I finally told someone. It felt sorta good.
    "Hoooo? Sou ka(I see). Well, it's ok. I know where you're coming from. I went through the same thing. I even had to deal with some pretty harsh fans. But you know what I say?"
    " I don't care what you or others think. I only care about what I THINK!  Not what others think. Miku, you have to be confident. If you aren't confident, then your feelings won't reach the person you care about. Embrace your emotions. Fight for them. If you don't gain the courage to face them and say them outloud. If you just fight for what you believe in, it will surely come true. That was just my motivation spreech by the way." Rin said proudly and she smiled with triumphant and pride. She totally believes in what she just said. If she believes in it, then I will follow her instructions. I have nothing else to work off of anyway.
     "So what should I do?"
     "Muster up all your courage and tell him your feelings. The worst that can happen is that you get turned down and you'll just stay in the friend zone. But, try to be confident in your confession and put all your heart in it. Let all those sappy emotions spill out of you. Trust me, it'll feel so good later. But don't worry. I believe the chance of your confession working is a 100%!" Rin cheered.
    "On what evidence?" I asked with a little doubt. Then again, why was Mikuo here with Rin and Len? He was obviously having an important conversation with them. Also, it looked like it was secret too. Could it be that maybe he needed advice? If so, then what?
    "Mufufufu. Oh, call it instinct." Rin said mischeviously. Yup, there is something going on. Yet, I can't dig deeper into it right now. I have to worry about my problem right now.
    "Rin-chan arigatou." I thanked her with a smile.
     "Don't mention it. Also, I'll be watching over you Miku so you have nothing to worry about. I got your back."
    "Arigatou. Nee Rin-chan, wha..."
   "Oh no. Look at the time. Miku gomene. I have to go head down towards the studio to go record a song. I have to go. Gambatte(good luck)!"
    Rin then rushed off down the hall and disappeared as she turned a corner. Leaving me alone to think about what she told me and how I can muster up my courage to tell Mikuo the truth. I love him.
      Later that night right after dinner everyone doing their own thing and then I realized that I haven't seen Rin or Len since my talk with Rin. So sonething was going on. But what? I thought as I leaned against the wall in the living areas behind the really big couch that faced the big T.V. that was playing Kaito and Meiko's new music video called Paired Wintry Winds.
    Oh well, now's not the time. I have to find Mikuo.
      Just as I thought that, I felt someone tap my shoulder. Mikuo.
      "Meet me in my room." He whispered into my ear and he walked off. Leaving me where I was standing, dazed as I countinued to watch the hallway where Mikuo walked down even after he was long gone.
     "Nee, Miku, want to see your video? Deep Sea Girl?" Kaito asked. I turned and smiled.
     "Hai! I love to see old songs." I said and watched.
     When the video was over, they continued to play other music videos that other vocaloids and utaloids had done but I went straight to Mikuo's room. But I took my time getting there. I was shaking with anxeity and needed to calm down. Everything is going to be alright. Nothing bad is going to happen. Nothing.
    I now stood in front of Mikuo's door and took a breath and opened it.    
  "Mikuo?" I softly called out to him. His room is fairly similar to mine but not exactly. It was Mikuo's room so it was Mikuo based and I liked it. I like who Mikuo is and I love him for that.
     Mikuo was sitting up on his bed and was playing an acoustic guitar when I entered. He smiled and put it down on its stand that was right by the head of his bed. He sat criss crossed on his bed now and patted a place right beside him.
     "Sit down." Mikuo said. I took my spot right next to him and smiled despite the butterflies in my stomach.   
    "Soooo, what's new." Mikuo chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. Huh?! He's nervous. Why's he nervous?! Is he nervous because of what he has to say? Or is it because of me? Or both! No no. Don't get ahead of yourself Miku. You have to get more information. Yet, this could be a confession. It's got to be. It would explain why he was with Rin and Len. Gyaaa! The anticipation is killing me!
    "Nothing much. Life is normal." I lied.
      "Nee, Miku, we're best friends ne?" Mikuo asked.
     "Of course. Why would you think other wise?" I asked with false confusion. I have an idea where this is going and I can't wait for it to come true. If it does. Which I hope it does.
     "Oh, no reason. I just wanted to tell you something important and I hope, no matter what happens, we'll always stay the same. Ok?"
    "Hai! Tell me." I insisted as I scooted close to him that our shoulders touched.
     "Well, I...I like someone and...gaaaa, this so frustrating." Mikuo sighed out frustrated as he hid his face behind his big hands. I took one hand and pulled it away and held it.
    "Tell me. It's ok." I comforted him. All of a sudden I was pinned down onto the bed and I couldn't move my body. Mikuo was now ontop of me but he wasn't looking at me and his teal hair covered half his face from me. I was sacred but I knew I shouldn't. This Mikuo and he would never hurt me. I have faith in him. I love him and I want him to say it too. Let me hear those three words that I've been craving for for so long. Say them. Say them!
    "Miku I...I...I like you!" Mikuo blurted out earnestly as he now looked at me with his now red face and burning teal eyes. He said it. Finally. I waited long enough and now I'm beyond happy. Mikuo loves just as much as I love him. I'm extremelt happy! Yet, Mikuo wasn't done,
   "Miku I love you so much that whenever I'm near you my heart beats a million times a second. I can't help but think about you and how I always want to be the one person you're closest to. I love everthing about you. Body and soul. Your teal hair looks so soft that I wish to just have my fingers run through. When you sing I feel my heart fill up with joy and just hearing your voice is music to my ears even if you aren't singing. I love you so much Miku that this love is constantly eating away at me and it's been doing that for four long years. I can't take it anymore. I have to know. Miku, do you love me? If so, please be mine?" Mikuo asked with a pleading look. Then without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
     His lips were soft and the kiss tasted so sweet even if it was only about 15 seconds. I wanted to extend it but I need to tell him my own feelings. So I pulled away and had I eyes look into one another with our foreheads touching. I couldn't help but smile.
    "I do. I love you Mikuo. I've loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you. Your kind eyes and smile captivated me. Mikuo, I want to be yours and I want you to be mine." I answered sincerely. Mikuo smiled and said softly,
   "I'm happy. I'm so very happy." Then, he leaned back in and our lips connected again. This time, we kissed for a while but neither one of us was keeping track of how long we were kissing. It felt like time froze and everyone and thing disappeared. It was just Mikuo and I. That was all that matters.
     All of a sudden there was shuffling coming from Mikuo's closet. We pulled away and quietly got up and crept over to the closet. It was slightly ajar and we saw something shine. There were also hushed voices coming from the closet and Mikuo and I listened in on them only to pick up a few words,
    "Pervert...Yamete(stop it)...they still there?" Just then, the closet slide open to reveail a blond boy on top of a blond girl holding a camera tumble out. Rin and Len.
     They saw Mikuo and I and that made them quickly get to their feet. They know there is going to be trouble.
    "See Miku, I told you I'd be watching you and that things would work out." Rin said trying to derail Mikuo and I as she tried to play innocent.
     "What were you two doing in my closet withva camera?" Mikuo asked angrily.
    "Nothing. Just observing you." Len said casually.
    "Yea and...Run Len! Run!" Rin and Len then darted out of the room and left Mikuo and I dazed for a second until Mikuo spoke up first,
    "Damn! Come on Miku, we can"t let them get away with this without a punishment. Let's go!" Mikuo said encouragingly as he held my hand and started to lead me as we ran. I gripped his hand tightly and said to him,
    "Mikuo, I love you. I love you so much."
     "So do I." He said lovingly as he held tightly to my hand and smiled at me. I love him and he completes me and I love sharing all these stupid moments with him. Like this one. I could just hold onto his hand forever and run away with forever. Which is what we both plan on doing as we enter a new life, a new start, together forever.

Thanks so much for reading! I'm so sorry if this sucked but I've been very busy with school especially since it's nearing the end. Then, I'll finallt be done with 8th grade and have all summer to write. But in the meantime, thanks so much for your support. Please feel free to comment. I love you all so much. Again, thanks so much for everything and I hope you all enjoy your life. That's all I have to say for now. Love U all! Ja'ne. ;-)
                Love Kurosakisan

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