Chapter 8

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The next day
I arrive at the studio and see the others already there. 'god im late again' i mentally face palm at myself.

That afternoon
It was starting to get dark and chan young and i stay to help with cleaning the studio. I wipe the furniture and stuff whioe chan young sweeps the floor and ill mop it later. "when you love to hate me, love lo-lo-love lo-lo-love when you love to hate me." i mutter along with tge song on ny airpods then someone snatches it from ne "YAH"  i turn around and see chan young. I glare daggers at him and he laughs. He tilts his head behind me and i see uncle by the door laughing, ince he calms down he speaks "well, ill leave you two herr i have a meeting. In really sorry" he walks out and continues on the phone. I turn around and sbatch my airpids from chan young "bitch" i mutter "awwww you called me a dog, i must be adorable..." he said, i gape at him and throw my hands in the air and scoff. I continue cleaning and feel eyes on me "its rude to stare you know" i say lnot unless you're admiring" he muttets to himself but i hear him. I turn to look at him and he looks so surprisedhis face was red. I stare at his dark brown eyes, i can tell he was looking into mine. My eyes dart to his lips and before i knew it our face were only an inch away and

Our lips connect and he kisses me gently. I kiss back as my whole body electrifies as our lips move in sync. After 2 minutes we pull away. This time it wasnt for the camera. Ut wlals real this time. We stare at each other and laugh lightly. He looks down, i ealk to him and give him a quick peck on on the lips. I grab my bag and wave at him "bye chicken! Love you-" i pretend i did that ob purpose but that came outta nowhere. I get in my car and drive home. I almist got hit because i was thinking of the events that hapoened minutes ago.

i wake up happy this time as tge events last night replayed in my head as a dream. I get ready for filming,

I arrive there after 30 minutes. Cuz of ttaffic. I see the others with snirks and grins olastered on their faces and chan young with a red face looking down "oi, what did you do to him?" and jae hyuk speaks up "nothing...we just asked how was last night" i didnt get it at first but...i look at chan young, "you told them?" i ask him and sung min shakes his head "didnt have too...we had front row seats" i look at him and say "well, thats ironic...that was your line in the show" everybody laughs and show us the cctv footage "oooohhhhh" chan young and i say at the same time

"thats how" i say

"thats how" and he says at the same time. "true love..." yoo mi says with a sigh i roll ny eyes at her "what? jealous much?" and we get in our costumes. We start filming till the day ended.

The girls and i eat out. But its just eun saem, ri ha, yoo mi and yi hyun. Ji hoo said she had plans. We order samgyup and kimbap. Then ri ha says something. "sooo, hye jin...are you and chan young together now???" she taps on the table impatiently and i shook my head "noh, ee ayent 'ogeffer" i said with a full mouth "yah! Dont speak when your mouth is full!" yi hyun says. Then yoo mi asks "whyy?" or rather- whines it. I swallow my food and say "none of your bussiness". Eun saem answers "you two kissed and you arent together???" i groan and finish ny food. "why even so interested in my love life?" they deadpan at me and yi hyun says "stop responding to questions using questions!". I look at ger confused "godric, nosy much?" i roll mt eyes.

Behind the Scenes| A Chan-young x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now