Chapter 5: Pain & Gain

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I was in my bathroom drying my fur off after taking a shower, and needless to say, my bathtub had some excess body paint all over it. "Well shit," I growled as I knew I had some cleaning to do. "Well, at least I managed to do something good out of myself," I said, taking the red contact lenses out of my eyes and placing them back into the case. 

"Still, that was fun. I should try doing that shit more often!" I laughed at the irony because I've been doing that ever since I became the vigilante of this city. Sure, I don't get paid for it, but money ain't exactly about it either. I know I can't call myself a good person, or a hero for what I did in the past, but they don't have to see me as any. I just do it to protect others who can't protect themselves. Although I've been taking a beat down on people who couldn't protect themselves, now I protect them, and I don't know why. But I do remember what Diane said once.

"I don't have to do it for no one, I have to do it for me, and she's right. I pretty much learned something valuable from her." I said to my reflection after I finished drying my fur with a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV and switched to the news and saw a news reporter interviewing the lamb from earlier. "And he just came from the sky and took the two down! It was incredible!" The lamb mom said as she held her daughter's hand. "And what do you think he is? A hero or a criminal?" The human news reporter asked her and she smiled.

"A hero. Sure, he may look like a demon, but he sure proved me wrong when he protected me and my little girl. Surely that even something as monstrous as a demon can be redeemed, and I truly believe that evil can always find a one-way ticket out of its life of crime." She spoke to the news reporter and I smirked. "Yeah, a 'Hero' i turned out to be." I chuckled, however, I stopped when I saw Diane come into view. "Ah! Ms.Foxington, what do you think about the vigilante himself?" The human reporter asked her and she adjusted her glasses as she looked at the camera. "Well, we don't exactly have any right way of saying this, but all we can say is that The Darkwolf himself is just a former criminal trying to redeem himself for what he has done in the past~." She said with a smirk, which made my back shiver.

"SHE KNOWS?!" I exclaimed in a whisper. "She knows! She has to know!" I said, pulling my legs up onto the couch as Diane began to go on about how Darkwolf is a vigilante who is genuinely looking out for the wellbeing of the people of the city. "Well, I mean, I guess I can't blame her for decoding it so quickly. I mean, Darkwolf? That sounds pretty obvious if you ask me, not to mention that a sudden vigilante comes out of nowhere and starts saving people. I think it's more than obvious who Darkwolf is underneath the mask...well, underneath the body paint." I corrected myself as I just watched Diane Foxington rip into Darkwolf as being the best hero this city has ever gotten. "Still, I don't get it. What do I got to lose?" I asked myself as I slouched onto my couch lazily. I let out a tired yawn since those two clowns weren't the first two dumbass criminals I fought first. But...Diane did leave out one small detail about Darkwolf.

"I'm still coming for you, Alex. Don't think that just because I made new 'Morals' doesn't mean your skinny little ass is safe from me. I'll come and find you and I will kill you myself. No one gets to have the right to kill you except me, but if someone does kill you before I do, I'll kill them. I don't give a shit about how long it takes for me to find you, but you better be ready bitch. No matter what it takes. I'll gladly die the second you do."


I was waiting outside of a movie theatre for Diane since we both planned to go see a movie. "Hey," Diane said, shaking me awake. "Ah! Oh, sorry, I just didn't expect you to come so sudden!" I exclaimed as I stood up, "You ready?" She asked me and I nodded as we both walked inside. "Oh! That reminds me, here." I said, handing her ticket to her as we both went up to the ticket collector. "Alright, come on, we should get to them if we want to reach the best seats in the theater!" I told her, excited like a little kid as we both walked towards the room the movie we were going to watch was playing in.

"You seem rather excited~," Diane commented, albeit with a childish giggle afterward. "Heh, sorry, I've just never really seen this movie before," I replied as we both entered the room, and surprisingly there weren't many people. "Huh, I guess the movie isn't as good as people said it was." I told her and she just shrugged it off, "Eh, so what? Come on, we didn't pay for anything." She whispered in my ear as she dragged me to two empty seats in front of the screen.

I found it kind of cool how Diane was so chill about the whole thing. Though throughout the whole movie, she kept holding onto my hand, even tightening her grip around it, it was almost as if she was looking out for me rather than me looking out for her. It's not that there was anything bad about it, it's just that it was me who was supposed to protect her, but then again, being protected by a girl means that she just loves you too much to let anyone hurt you. I guess Diane is the white knight I didn't know I had but the white knight I needed. "Do you want me to get some popcorn?" I asked her but she shook her head, "Nah, I'm good, besides, I already ate something before coming here. What about you?" She asked me and I shook my head as well, "Nah, I ate too. Also, I heard about what happened last night. Something about that new vigilante, Darkwolf, was it?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah, we're trying to find out who he is and see if we can contact him. We do require his assistance, hell, we'd be willing to pay him whatever amount he wants, all he needs to do is do one little job for us and he'll be paid, hmm, let's just say, enough to buy himself a beach house~." She replied and I knew exactly what she was trying to do, and of course, it was no doubt that she already knew. "Diane, do you have time after the movie's over?" I asked her, already believing that it was best to just tell her since this has been going on for days and I want her to know just in case I do die during my vigilant mascarade, I at least want her to know that she is the best girlfriend, and if lucky enough, the best wife any guy could ever ask for. Hell, I don't think I even deserve her at all. But, if I were to die, I want her to please be with someone better than what I ever will be.

"Hmm, yeah actually, why?" She asked me and I looked at her with an engaging expression, "Because I have something I need to tell you." I told her and she looked casual and calm which surprised me because hearing this from a guy or girl would mean a red flag but I can tell she was not trying to assume anything. Yet, I can tell she was only putting up a facade to hide how she was feeling deep down.

"Okay." That was all she replied with, and I sighed. "Can you please come back to my place after this? It's really important but we can't talk about this in public. But I'll be straightforward about this with you. It's actually about Darkwolf. I know who he is."

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