How does a crepe achieve a lemon?

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(I'm so sorry) 

"HmMmM aNoThEr dAy iN tHiS bOrInG kInGdOm" crepe stood there soaking in the surroundings "I wanna do something fun teehee" suddenly a beam of light appeared in front of them "wha-"

"It is I child" 


"be not afraid"

"sir that looks kinda like a m'am this is the scariest moment of my life" 

"wha-anyways" "It is I pure vanilla the "best" ancient, child i will give you something to cure your boredom" 

"cool like a gun?"  the strawberry child's eyes sparkled 

"what no, I'm not getting sued" 

"then what is it?" 

"A lemon" 

"what, A LEMON?" 

"yes" crepe took the lemon in their hand 

"what do I do with the citrus?" 

"oh thats easy!" 


"Beat up my grandson and his team XD" 

"what the- okay" crepe then left to go beat some cookies asses 

(forgive me)   

Strawberry crepe cookie brutally assaults the starter team with a lemonWhere stories live. Discover now