that afternoon and night (pt2 😏)

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Bakugos POV :

As he realized i was horny he started purposely moaning in my ear
After a while of him moaning in my ear i push him on the bed pressing him down looking him in the eyes

Bk : "you s-shouldnt of done that deku~~"

i see deku gulp knowing he screwed up
i start twisting and biteing his nipples

Dk : "Aa-ahaA~~ Kan-kanchan mmMhm~"

with one of my hand i reach down pulling his boxers down reaveling his dick and i get on my knees so im facing his dick , as i see him sit up wondering what im doing i see him cover his eyes with his hand and the other holing on the bed sheet
as i start to put my mouth around his dick i start slow and then just go quick

Dk : " Mmmmhm~~ F-fuck~ K-kanchan~~"

As i stop i get up pushing him back down kissing him and i pull my own boxers down
as we stop i turn him around and see him push his head into the pillow and gripping onto the bed sheets more

As he turns around to see what im doing he realizes my dick

Dk : "K-Kanchan that w-wont in me!"

Bk : "ooh~~ you sure"

I notice him push his head back in the pilliow i only let my tip in so he can beg for it~

Dk : "mmmhm~ kanchan"

i carry on by just pushing my tip in slowly

Dk : "A-ah~ Katsuki~~~ PL-PLEASE~~"

Iv never heard him call me katsuki and not like that but i absolutly love it~~

As i wait a bit i start thrusting into him and his sweet spot

Dk : "AA-aaaha~~ K-Katsukii~~ i-i im going to M-mmhm~"

as we both c#m we knew it was enought since we werent ready for alot more for how sensitve he is and i dont wanna hurt him so stop and start kissing him abit

Dk : "wh-why did you stop?"

Bk : "your too s-sensative to have alot more fucking idiot"

Dk : "another time then~"

Bk : "okay a-another time then~"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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