Explanations and Stuff

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In case you couldn't tell, this takes place in an alternate timeline from my original fiction multiverse canon, making this NON-CANON. There may or may not be more universes, but the only one shown is a composite universe combining the ones Kendra: Curse of Giants takes place in with the one the majority of the events in Playing with Lives takes place in. Giants are an accepted part of Earth in this composite universe, and since they are 1% of the population, there are over 70 million of them on Earth, the actual number being closer to 80 million. Also, each character keeps the art style of the world they came from. The world Kendra: Curse of Giants takes place in has an art style like that of My Hero Academia while the one Playing With Lives takes place in has an art style like that of The Sims 4. Those are true in canon, too. The characters from each world use their respective art styles in this, too, and people of either style don't bat an eye at the other. In this non-canon timeline, Tiberius is from Utica. It may or may not be the same in canon; I'll leave that ambiguous.

I got the idea for Tiberius saying "You're fucking kidding me... do you think I'm an idiot?" from a YouTube comment describing that as being what Chalmers' tone when he points out how illogical an Aurora borealis in Skinner's kitchen would be implies.

One prank idea I got before this was something MUCH darker. But I decided that this was a better idea.

Why did I make my own version of Steamed Hams in 2022? Because it's still a hilarious and legitimately good skit, even 26 years after it aired for the first time. FUN FACT: The Simpsons episode it's a part of was a pilot for a planned but canceled spin-off of the show focusing on the other residents of Springfield. And if you remembered what day it was yesterday, I wanted to celebrate despite my former hatred of it.

Steamed Hams but it's my original fiction charactersWhere stories live. Discover now