I'm so Bored

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Aaron's POV:

Everyday is the same

wake up.
go to work.
come home.

And everyday somehow gets more boring.

Today I start the same cycle. I woke up and ate breakfast. I got changed into the most 'pop star' look I could find. I think this is suitable for today:

I waited outside for one of the other judges to pick me up, otherwise known as my bestfriend, Zach

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I waited outside for one of the other judges to pick me up, otherwise known as my bestfriend, Zach. He's a rapper and works with me on New Sound. I find the idea of being a judge for a talent show boreing because no one who enters really have talent, but Zach loves this job. He likes laughing at people and he isn't afraid of telling the truth. It's hard to get a compliment out of him. I always tell him he should have been a comedian instead of a rapper. 

I scroll threw insta waiting for Zach when he pulls up into the driveway and honked the horn. I jumped a little. "Jesus man, did I scare ya?" Zach was laughing at me and I rolled my eyes jokeingly. "Oh shut it Zach" I sat in the car waiting for him to drive. "Go, before we're late, again." I put a little volume on 'again' but he knew what I was trying to say.

As we drives, he blast the radio. *Play the song now*.

Me and Zach drive to work screaming this song. We had an amazing time! but then we arrived at work. "Great, we're back in hell" I say to Zach while he laughs. We get out of the car and walk to our seats. I am ready to repeat this cycle. "Today will be different" I thought to myself, I've had a strange feeling of hope today.

One Audition - One VoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora