Chapter 20 - iM FrrreEeEeEeEE!

Start from the beginning

"I low-key wish it was Chifuyu I ran into, not you" I mumbled as I got into the car, putting my seat-belt on.

Kazutora heard me and started his car. "Oh well."

The car ride with Kazutora was silent and awkward. Neither one of us was talking and for some reason, he had the radio turned off. "So you don't like music or something?" I asked him as I watched him turn the radio on. "Never mind then." I sat there and listened to whatever was playing on the radio. "This is better than laying in the same bed as Koko right now" I thought and looked out the window. It was still raining and it didn't seem like it wanted to let up anytime soon.

"So, Cristal" Kazutora started.

"It's (Y/n). Cristal is just my stage name."

"(Y/n)." He started driving again since he was at a red light. "You want to come up with a better excuse than you taking a midnight stroll when I found you?"

"It's not like you would care."

"You're right." Kazutora made a turn. "I don't care but I thought I should at least ask again."

"You really are a blunt person, are you?" He shrugged his shoulders. I sighed. "I just left from some guy's house."

"So a one nightstand?"

"Why do you assume it was a one nightstand?" I mean he's not wrong. Koko and I did sleep together. I also did leave like I did with Sanzu, but I had a good reason. Well both my reasons for leaving the two make sense to me in retrospect.

"What girl leaves a guy's house at six in the morning if it's not a one night stand?" Kazutora finally got to his place. "And also, you look like you were in a hurry to get out of the guy's place." He got out of his car and waited for me to get out.

I opened the door and got out, opening the umbrella. "Yeah, I guess it was a one night stand." For some reason I felt a small ping of sadness when I said that. I guess it's because it seemed like we were both having a good time and I thought that maybe something good was going to come out of this. "I won't be making the same mistake of falling for one of them again" I said to myself.

"Huh?" Kazutora thought he heard me say something but I told him it was nothing. He didn't think much of it and lead me into his apartment complex, straight to his apartment.

Once in, Kazutora went into his bedroom and came back out with one of his shirts. "Here." He tossed the shirt at me and I caught it. "The bathroom's here." He pointed at where the bathroom was and I went over there.

"For someone who doesn't really care about my situation, you're actually a nice guy" I teased.

"Shut up."

I smiled and disappeared into his bathroom, closing the door behind me. I took no time into changing into the shirt he gave me. "How many times am I going to get naked in some dude's place?" I asked myself as I held onto my wet clothes. I could feel a breeze down under. It's not like I had a change of bra and panties with me so I have no choice but to go commando for a while. "At least Kakucho gave me a pair of his boxers/briefs for me to wear" I complained. "Wait, why am I thinking about him?" I shook my head. "I finally got my chance to get away from them and I'm still thinking about them?"

"You almost done in there?" I heard Kazutora ask.

"Almost." I looked at myself in his bathroom mirror. The first thing I stared at was the wig on my head. "Yeah, this bitch has got to go." I looked around the bathroom to find some rubbing alcohol. "Sorry for raiding your things, Kazutora" I apologized mentally and opened his medicine cabinet. "Found it." I grabbed the alcohol bottle and the bag of cotton balls that was in there. I then opened the bottle and placed a cotton ball over the bottle's opening, slowly titling the bottle. Once the cotton ball was drenched in alcohol, I started to rub at the lace around my hairline in order to remove the wig.

"What's she doing in there?" Kazutora thought as he got ready to knock on there door. Before he got the chance to, I opened it.

"Okay, I'm done now." I was currently holding my wet clothes and the wig I took off. "Do you have a washing machine I can use?"

Kazutora couldn't help but stare at me. "Yeah, it's the room back there." He watched me walked over to the laundry room.

I put my clothes in the washing machine, added detergent, and started it. "Oh, also do you mind if I burn something real quick." I walked out of the room and saw Kazutora was still looking at me. "What?"

"Didn't you have blonde hair just now?"

I looked down at the wig then back at him. "Yeah." I walked into his kitchen. "So was that a yes or no to me burning something?"

Kazutora shook his head, deciding not to question what he just saw. "Sure, as long as you don't set my apartment on fire." He disappeared into the bathroom while I looked at his stove.

"Damn, it's electric" I cursed and looked around the kitchen. "Ooo." I found one of those click n flame lighters. "This is perfect." I turned around and plopped the wig into the sink. I then clicked the lighter to where a small flame was shown and pointed it at the wig, watching it catch fire. "It pains me a little seeing this burn." I watched the wig curl up and turn a black color. I shrugged my shoulders. "At least I didn't have to pay for it." I grabbed the sink's hose and turned the water on, spraying the now burnt wig so I could put out the fire.

"What's that smell?" Kazutora asked as he walked out of the bathroom. He had just taken a shower and was drying his hair.

"That's the smell of money, shame, and pettiness." I turned to face him. I noticed he was shirtless and wearing a pair of sweats. "God damn" I thought as I tried to clear my thoughts but they persisted in staying.

"Oh." Kazutora walked into his kitchen, grabbed a trash bag and handed it to me. He then opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. "Want one?"

"No thanks." I picked up the wig and put it in the trash bag.

Kazutora opened his can of beer and took a drink from it. "Trashcan's right there." He pointed at where the trashcan was and made his way into his living room, sitting on the couch. "So, what are you going to do now?"

I tied the bag up and dropped it in the trashcan. "Enjoy my new found freedom."

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