Chapter 1

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The sun's rays had politely awoken the boy as his emerald eyes slowly opened up. He had a blue ladybug themed blanket along with gold accents, something his father demanded to be professionally made for him. He rubbed his eyes as he slowly arose, his small feet hitting the soft carpet as he looked around for his father.

"Padre?" He called out for the vampire, to whom would usually show up in Giorno's room by now. However, there was no response.

The small blonde twisted the doorknob of his room and quickly made his way out of it, beginning to breathe a bit heavily in fear. There was no sign of his father. He ran as fast as his little feet could take him, almost tripping over himself as he stood in front of his father's room. He didn't hesitate to open the door, looking around with a panicked expression on his face.

"Padre!" He called out once more, struggling to climb onto his father's bed from how large it was. His fingers gripped onto red silk blankets until he had finally climbed onto the center of the bed.

There was no sign of his father. The boy began to cry helplessly, falling forward onto the expensive bedding in defeat. His tears darkened the silk as he cried, worried for his father to whom was all he had in his life. His head perked up when he heard the door open, and a long and dark shadow casted over the boy as he screamed in horror.

His emerald eyes widened. He began to breathe heavily in fear, his body freezing.

Was this shadow the one who took his father away from him?

Suddenly, a soft and sinister voice calls out to the child.

"Giorno," Calling his name is no other than his father himself, to whom folds up a black umbrella and rests it against the wall. He holds a velvet box in his hands, setting it on the nightstand before he makes his way to his son and pulls him in for a tight hug.

"Padre...?" Giorno sniffles before his tears of pain turn into ones of relief, and he moves to hug onto his father tightly. An overwhelming wave of joy came over the boy, and he couldn't stop smiling as he cried.

"It's okay, my child," Dio wipes his tears away, a barely noticeable grin forming upon his lips.

"Padre...," Giorno holds his father in a death grip, refusing to let him go.

"I'm sorry for giving you such a scare this morning. I didn't think you would wake up so early," Dio sighs, disappointed with himself. The vampire surely was smart. It was rare his plans ever went wrong. So when they did, especially when it hurt his son's feelings, it was just enough to slightly sting his heart.

"Where were you...?" Giorno's cries quiet down and he looks upwards at his father with a new curiosity.

"Well, I actually went out to get you a surprise this morning," Dio offers a sweet smile, sliding himself off of the bed and went to grab the velvet box from earlier. He sets it in front of his son. "Open it," He says with an even bigger smile, his fangs shining as he does so.

Upon further examination, the box is a dark shade of magenta and has a gold ribbon tied neatly around it. Giorno pulls on the ends of the ribbon, carefully opening the box. Emerald eyes widened upon revealing what was inside of the box. "Padre! You didn't have to do this," He moves to hug onto his father tightly once more, and his bright smile is enough to light up the room on its own.

"I wanted to do this for you, my son," Dio smiles back at his child, giving him just as tight as a hug back before letting go. "Go ahead and take him out,"

Giorno nods his head before hugging a large ladybug stuffed animal close to his body, unable to control his joyful laughter. "I'm so happy with this! Thanks, Dad!"

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