Pooch (Mad Maggie x Bloodhound)

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Bloodhound slowly poked their head up from their crouched position to look out the window of the bunker. Seven squads left and four more ring closures meant they were in a good position. There was no hurry to rush into any fights. They could take their time and think through each shot, each position they took. Arms steady, they peered down the scope of their Charge Rifle, surveying the grassy hill for the speck of movement they thought they saw, Octane perhaps - there!

They pulled the trigger, but immediately tipped forward when a hard slap landed on their back, disrupting their balance. The blast from their gun shot uselessly into the ground just below their target, singeing the hillside. Frantically, they peered down the scope again, hoping to squeeze another shot in, but all they saw now were the remains of a faint green trail lingering in the air. They hissed a curse to themself and their shoulders stiffened - quarry lost. They turned slowly and found Maggie standing behind them.

"See anythin' good out there?" she asked, tilting her chin up and looking out the window.

"I located an enemy andskoti , though they have now escaped my sight," they replied evenly. The woman was far from their first choice of squadmate - their last choice in fact. But, they needed to remain...amicable if they wanted a chance at winning this match. Maggie's insufferable attitude would not rob them of the victory they intended to claim this day, gods willing.

"Hm, some master hunter you are, ay, Houndy? Missin' your shots 'n' all." She pushed an errant strand of her short, dark hair away from her face.

Bloodhound let out a slow breath. It had been her fault that they had missed, but there would be more shots to be taken in the next fight. Another chance to slátra. Squabbling with her would be a waste of their breath, and surely they knew more than most how precious each inhalation was. The thought was interrupted by Maggie's hand on their side pushing them out of the way so she could get a better view out of the window. Their entire body tensed, bristling at the contact.

"I do not wish to be touched," they warned, their voice lowering as they stepped aside. Most Legends granted them the space they desired, but she seemed intent on breaking the sanctity of their aura. Only the touch of those who had proven themselves to be loyal and trustworthy was welcome - and even that was allowed sparingly.

"Is mean ol' Mags makin' you uncomfortable?" Her lips curled into a sneer.

They gritted their teeth under their mask but ignored the comment. Focus on the battle. Two minutes and thirty seconds until the ring began to move in. It would be advantageous to get to an inner ring early and secure a better position. They reloaded their Charge Rifle and began to step away from Maggie to leave the bunker. Perhaps if they moved quickly, they could still detect the faint heat signature of Octane's footsteps in the grass. As they passed by Maggie, she grabbed their bicep, her fingers digging in hard against the canvas of their jacket.

She yanked on their arm to pull them down to her and leaned in closer to their face. "Bet you'd welcome a little touch if it was Wally grabbin' ya. Heard you two haven't been as close these days. Wonder if he misses his little pet dog."

"I am no one's dog." Bloodhound wrenched their arm out of her grasp. Their breath started to come more quickly, accompanied by the hum and soft whine of their respirator as it worked to keep up. They did miss Walter Fitzroy dearly, recently so distant, but they would be hard-pressed to admit it aloud. Patience. Allfather, grant me patience.

"Sore subject, pooch?" Maggie scoffed.

"We must continue to the next ring," they said, directing all of their willpower to remain in control of their emotions.

"I'll take that as a 'yes,'" she smirked, looking them up and down. "Guess Wally must've moved on to the next one. He has a habit of changin' sides pretty quick. Looks like you and I got left behind."

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