Part 11 : Your name

Start from the beginning

Sanzu pointed at a little key holder on the wall , "next time check that too" he said rolling his eyes

You just went grabbed his key , it was the only one you didn't recognize 

Getting on the bike you felt your heart rushing , the only knowledge you had about motorcycles was from Mikey but he never actually made you ride one by yourself

Turning it on , you took a deep breath ready to launch on

"(Y/n) could you not get yourself killed?" Ran said placing a hand on the motorcycle front

You didn't say anything but ratherly stared into a void

"Tell me where you wanna go I'll take you there" he said making you a sign to move aside

The first thing you did when his hand was off the motorcycle,  was to drive off

You heard the Haitani yell after you , but you kept going

The bike was pretty stable , driving it wasn't necessarily the problem... but how do you stop

The club wasn't too far away maybe 15 minutes apart if you were with the motorcycle


When you got close , you started feeling blood rushing through your veins

'Mikey only thought me to speed up , WHAT ABOUT THE STOPPING PART' its all you could mentally scream

You were slowly pulling the breaks , at the end you fell off but you almost stopped , you were fine ...but the bike had some scratches on it , Sanzu was gonna kill you

Not caring about the bike you left it there with the keys , and ran to the entrance

The guard stopped you from entering "Get in line kid you ain't the only one who wants to get in"

"I have to get in Izana is in there , he might be in danger!" You didn't want to fight a random guard at a club but you really needed to get in

The guard just laughed at you and signaled you to get in line

You were about to throw punches when someone came besides you showing his card to the guard and letting you pass

Looking up you saw someone you weren't really expecting to see again

"Wakasa-san?!" You asked surprised , he must have recognized you and came to help you

"Sup kiddo , wanna go in? Didn't know you like partying" he said patting your head

"It's not that , it's important I have to go" you said dashing off inside

Wakasa only watched you disappear

'What did Shinichiro find interesting in you?' He questioned himself


Running to the private rooms , you opened each door you could

Opening the first one you saw two girls making out , you just backed away and closed the door 'God don't let me see naked people'

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