'About what?'

The pair took a seat in the same chairs as yesterday in front of the roaring fire.

'She said something that doesn't need to be repeated,' Abigail said before clearing her throat lightly.

'Okay I guess that's not important since I'm here to talk about you'.

'I think you're being a little over dramatic, I've told you I'm fine'.

'Cheryl you've been through a lot, I know things were hard after losing Jason,' Toni said, she knew how much that haunted the redhead.


Cheryl couldn't remember her own brother.

'Yeah, Jason... your twin'.

'Of course,' Abigail nodded.

'Cheryl I really think we should take you to see a doctor,' Toni said, almost begged actually.

'Antoinette I'm sure you have more important things to do than worry about me. I'm moving on with my life I assume that's what you want since you are now with Fogarty'.

'Cheryl...' Toni let out a breath, 'I didn't want to hurt you, it just kind of happened'.

'I'm sure,' Abigail looked at her.

'Please just let me help you'.

'I do not need your help nor do I want it. What's meant to be will be in the end Antoinette, I'm sure you'll see clearer then. Now please I am extremely busy and while I love your company I must continue doing what I was doing before you arrived'.

'Fine but please just think about it'.

'Thank you for your time,' the redhead said shortly.

Toni just nodded as she stood up and showed herself out, she needed a different tactic to get through to Cheryl.


Later that night Abigail was wandering the streets of Riverdale, it was different to how she remembered it.

When she walked by the small building, the one where she found out about Toni and Fangs being together she remembered it served food upstairs.

She decided to step inside, she could do with a warm drink since the evening air was cold.

'Hey Cheryl, what can I get for you?'

The woman's name tag read Tabitha and she had the brightest smile on her face.

The redhead ordered a tea before finding an empty booth.

The drink was with her within a couple of minutes and she sighed as she took a sip, the hot liquid sliding down her throat felt good.

Her moment was ruined though by someone stood by her booth.

'Cheryl...' the voice was familiar and it made her blood boil.

Her head snapped up to see the descendant of Fogarty standing over her.

'I suggest you take a step back,' Abigail said, she didn't care who was around, she despised this man and she didn't care who knew about it.

I Can See Straight Through You | CHONI |Where stories live. Discover now