Maybe football?

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^ your outfit

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^ your outfit

                                   Y/n pov

*alarm goes off* as y/n wakes up she realizes she woke up late. As she takes a quick shower she hears the front door open she wonder who it is her mom is at work?...
  It's Zach. She was relieved she finished getting ready by doing her make-up and doing her hair. Zach pretty much sees her everyday since his school starts later then hers. And they are out the door.

Zach- y/n/n soo what are you gonna yk about football
Y/n- I don't know Zach I'm not sure because I miss being on the team with the Cobras
Zach- we miss you too but you have loved football since you were little you promised Louis(your twin he passed when you were 14 due to cancer)
Y/n- Ik and I don't wanna let him down but it just I don't know if I'll be good enough
Zach- y/n/n don't doubt yourself your amazing at football like better then me
Y/n- I'll make up my mind by tomorrow okay
Zach- okay you better but bye y/n/n I love you
Y/n- I love you too loser

*at school*
*troy walks up to y/n*
Troy- wassup y/n
Y/n- hey troy
Troy- have you thought about trying for the team iv seen you play your pretty good I mean your arm is better then Bella
Y/n- yeah I thought about it but I don't know
Troy- I'll talk to coach about it
Y/n- thank you so much I owe you

*skip to after school*

As y/n is about to leave coach stops her

Coach- are you y/n?
Y/n- yeah I am are you the coach?
Coach- yeah troy told me about you I've seen your plays your good we just had someone leave the team you should try out
Y/n- maybe I will
Coach- alright see you there!

*at home*

Mom- hey hunny
Y/n- hola mami (hi mommy)
Mom- Qué tal tu día?(how was your day?)
Y/n- Estuvo bien, estoy probando para el fútbol americano(it was good, I'm trying out for American football)
Mom- Esa es una buena hija, apuesto a que lo lograrás, te quiero, prepárate para ir a la cama( that's good daughter, I bet you'll make it, I love you go get ready for bed)
Y/n- Yo también te quiero, buenas noche( I love you too goodnight)

*after getting ready for bed*

Y/n thinks ima call Zach and tell him I'm trying out for football
*calls zach*
Y/n- Zachhhh
Zach- y/n/n!!!
Y/n- guess what
Zach- what
Y/n- I'm trying out for football
Zach- that's good y/n/n I bet you'll make it
Y/n- I hope so i don't wanna let Louis down yk
Zach- yeah but you need rest so go to sleep I love you sleep well
Y/n- I love you too sleep well see you tmrw
*10 minutes later she's sound asleep*

Louis(your twin brother who passed ) at 14

Heyyy guys sorry I haven't really updated iv had writers block but I'm back now and I'll try to keep it updated I hope you liked it <333

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Heyyy guys sorry I haven't really updated iv had writers block but I'm back now and I'll try to keep it updated I hope you liked it <333

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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