all bad days start with waking up

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"He's WHAT?!"

This isn't how Tony wanted to start his day. Everything that's happened already, barely an hour before lunch, makes him mark this day as the worst of his life.

He wants to wake up when his body does, so probably around two pm. He wants to kiss his lovely wife good morning (afternoon), eat cheeseburgers, and tinker with his inventions until three am. Undisturbed, might he add.

Instead, today Tony was woken at the crack of dawn by FRIDAY rather loudly alerting him that Fury wanted to speak with him.

He couldn't kiss Pepper good morning because she was at some stupid meeting.

That conversation with Fury went very bad. Fury was yelling the entire time about Steve's stupid friend Bucky and the Council or some shit.

Tony then skipped breakfast because any reminder of the guy currently residing in Wakanda makes him feel sick.

Then, on the way to his lab, Clint just had to be an annoying brat and fall on him from the damn vents even though they're tiny as fuck. How the hell does he get in there?!

Tony took one step in his lab and was blasted with a fire extinguisher by DUM-E, who is going to be shipped off to a community college by the end of the day mark his words--

After cleaning that mess, Tony sat for a grand total of three second on his seat before FRIDAY alerted him that Thor was on the roof. Great.

Thor comes in, looking angry as hell. It's a miracle lightning hasn't struck the tower, but clouds as dark as night are overhead. Nice.

Thor calls a meeting because of something "in urgent need of attention" or something.

Everyone comes to the living room.

Clint fell from the vents on top of Tony again.

Wanda blew up the toaster because Pietro thought it best to scare her. Vision nearly attacked him.

Natasha was polishing her gun and nearly shot Clint when he fell.

Sam was using Steve's shield as an umbrella to protect himself from falling assassins. Bruce joined him.

And finally, finally, when everyone was calm and sitting down, Thor broke the news.

So, yeah, Tony kinda wants to cry now.


"My brother is currently king of Asgard."

Thor's words echo throughout the silence in the room, making it feel more empty than it is.

"He's WHAT?!"

Bruce flinches at Tony's shriek (because that's the only way to describe the noise he made) and covers his ears. The engineer had already looked exhausted and ready to collapse. Now he seems close to fainting.

He needs a better sleep schedule. He's going to die of caffeine overdose before he hits fifty.

Bruce covers his ears as the rest of the room erupts into chaos. Clint, Natasha, Tony, and Steve are all shouting with outrage while Sam, Wanda, and Pietro were all trying to ask what the hell was going on. The only one really quiet was Vision, who's databases knew of Thor's brother but had no reason to be mad at him being on Asgard's throne.

Bruce knows that his teammates had every right to be angry. The fact that the psychopath they'd stopped years ago from conquering Earth was now on another planet's throne makes him a little annoyed too.

How the hell did Loki ever become king?

"How did Loki become king?" Steve says, speaking over everyone else's shouting and asking the question everyone wants to know.

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