🎵This ship is now mine!🎵

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Captain looked out into space, his face had a triumphant look.

Captain: "we did it, we just got rid of the Imposter!"

Veteran: "not exactly."

Captain was hit over the head with the butt of a gun, Veteran was holding it.

Veteran: "This ship is now under new management."

Mr. Egg walked out, Sir Clogsworth raised his hands in surrender, and Player just stood there, knowing that he just helped take over the Skeld, which he was oddly proud of.

Stoner: "hey, I guess that we have the whole thing to ourselves, that's nice."


Mr. Egg walked into electrical, Blue jumped out of the vent.

Mr. Egg: " why do we always have to meet with you coming out of a vent?"

Blue: "last I remember, you fell in the vent and on top of me."

Mr. Egg: "whatever."

Then, Blue gave Mr. Egg a hug, a passionate hug.

Blue: "you know I love you?"

Mr. Egg: "I love you too."

Mr. Egg nuzzled his face into Blue's chest, which caused Blue to blush.

(Aww, will you look at that, Blue's got a boyfriend.)

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