Chapter 6

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Tw for this chapter: Ableism, mentioned meds and arguing

Ranboo and Tubbo stood in the doorway as they waited for someone to answer the door, both of them not saying anything. Soon it swung open and there stood a tall guy, with brown hair and big round glasses.

"Hello, you must be Tommy's friends." He smiled, and Ranboo nodded, Tubbo not saying anything. "Come in, I'm Wilbur, Tommy's older brother." Wilbur introduced himself, letting the door open more so the two could come in.

Stepping into the house both Tubbo and Ranboo looked around, it was bigger and nicer than their house for sure, but it wasn't like a mansion or anything.

"I'll call for Tommy." Wilbur said closing the door. "You guys can put your shoes over there." Wilbur told them as he pointed over to the shoe rack nearby. He walked over to the staircase nearby calling Tommy's name.

Instead of Tommy coming downstairs there was another guy, tall like Wilbur but with long pink hair instead. He looked at Wilbur, not noticing the other two just yet.

"I tried apologizing again, but he's not having it." He scoffed, turning his head slightly to notice the other two. "Oh."

"This is Techno. Techno, these are Tommy's friends, not gonna lie, not sure which is which." Wilbur joked as he turned back to the two standing there. Ranboo shifted his feet.

"I'm Ranboo, he/they pronouns please. This is my brother Tubbo, also he/they pronouns." Ranboo introduces and both of them nod.

"Tommy should be down in a minute." Techno said as he went down the rest of the stairs and going into a doorway nearby. Both Ranboo and Tubbo stood in silence with Wilbur for a few more minutes.

"So, Tommy said you guys just moved here a bit ago, how's that going?" Wilbur asked to make small talk. Tubbo scoffed.

"He said?" Tubbo said in a sarcastic tone and Wilbur frowned.

"Yeah, he did." Wilbur said, giving Tubbo a judgmental look. Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"He's never said shit to us." Tubbo snapped lightly. Ranboo turned to Tubbo.

"Tubbo knock it off, being angry at mom doesn't mean you can bring it here." Ranboo scolded, to which Tubbo just rolled his eyes again and crossed his arms. Ranboo turned to Wilbur who still looked unhappy. "I'm sorry about them, they got into a fight with our mom on the way here and now he's angry."

"It's fine, but Tommy's situation is not anyone else's to judge." Wilbur said and Ranboo nodded. "He's doing what he can, and if people are going to judge him for that then they don't belong in our house."

"God I wasn't judging him, I just said he hasn't ever said anything to us!" Tubbo exclaimed and Ranboo put a hand on his shoulder.

"Tubbo breathe now or I'm calling mom." Ranboo scolded again and Tubbo took a deep breath, while looking completely pissed off.

The silence in the arm was disrupted by footsteps, Tommy walking down the stairs at this moment. Wilbur looked up to him and with a knowing look.

"You heard what was said didn't you?" Wilbur asked, to which Tommy nodded shortly. Tommy then turned and looked at Tubbo. Tubbo stared right back at him.

"What are you gonna say anything to me?" Tubbo snapped quickly, and before anyone else could react Tommy laughed.

"Jesus you're a dickhead." Tommy said between laughs, spooking Tubbo slightly. "Alright assholes, come on." Tommy said, waving them to come up the steps. They both stayed put. "I'm not gonna bite you." Tommy joked. Ranboo took a deep breath and stepped forward, walking towards the stairs.

"Yeah good luck." Wilbur said shortly, turning into the kitchen where Techno had gone.

"To me or to them?" Tommy called from the top of the steps. Wilbur poked his head back out.

"Both." He smiled and ducked back into the kitchen. Tommy laughed as Ranboo climbed up the steps more, Tubbo frowning but slowly starting to follow. They followed Tommy till they got to his room.

"Welcome in boys, or are you boys?" Tommy said as he turned to look at the both of them. Ranboo shrugged as he slid off his backpack, Tubbo frowning with his arms crossed.

"I thought you just didn't talk." Tubbo said shortly and Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Do you want me not to talk?" Tommy asked, folding his arms as well. Tubbo huffed.

"No it was just, you're mute, now you're talking!" Tubbo exclaimed, and instead of getting angry, Tommy just dropped the frown and looked at Ranboo. Ranboo panicked slightly, thinking they did something wrong.

"Did you not tell them?" Tommy asked, which caused Tubbo to turn and glare at Ranboo. Ranboo bit their lip and shook their head. "Oh." Tommy said shortly, dropping his arms.

"Tell me what?" Tubbo asked as they still glared down Ranboo.

"I'm selective mute, I talk when I feel like I can, which is when I feel comfortable and shit. Ranboo found out about three weeks ago or so. I thought he would have told you." Tommy said shortly, looking between the both of them.

"You knew?" Tubbo asked Ranboo to which Ranboo just looked down at the ground. Then Tubbo's watch started buzzing, to which Tubbo sighed and smacked Ranboo's arm. "Take your meds and shit."

"Meds and shit?" Tommy questioned as he turned and sat on his bed. Ranboo bit his lip again as he grabbed his backpack.

"Yeah." They said shortly to which Tommy frowned again. He wanted to know what was happening, why couldn't he know?

"Wait you guys know my secret shit, I want to know your secret shit." Tommy complained. Tubbo laughed shortly as he took off his backpack, god damn mood swings with him.

"Not my shit, but Ranboo's, so get them to share their secret shit." Tubbo said as they sat down on the floor near Tommy's bed. Ranboo kicked Tubbo's side.

Word count: 1000

Edited by Praxis (xe/he/sol/they)


Sorry for dipping, mental health isn't amazing. Thanks for all the continued support tho :) Sorry this chapter is shorter, I just wanted to give something 

He's mute, not deafHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin