3. Sweet Decisions

Start from the beginning

I sigh and decide to instead watch Adele excitedly bouncing on her heels. He laughs aloud, "Are you ignoring me Teach?"

I admire Licht's determination to live a commoner's life and hard work to show that he can deal an independent life if he so wishes. I do not, however, have the same feelings whenever he suddenly decides to be a brat.

The Royal family of Granzreich slowly begins to gather. Frankly, I feel slightly out of place standing here. The chandelier looks breathtaking, I must say.

The Queen Mother enters the hall, side-by-side with Viktor, the second and fourth princes filing in behind them. Kai looks surprised on seeing me here. I presume he wants to come talk to me (or squish my hands) but is too shy to do so before his elders. Leonard, on the other hand, shows a scoffing face and moves towards the table.

Hm. My work here is done. I should probably get back to my quarters, seeing as it is one of the rare times Viktor is free enough to enjoy a meal with his family. I move to excuse myself.

The Queen Mother notices me almost immediately on approaching the table. Her lightly-wrinkled face breaks into a smile. "Ah, I see that the Professor is here. In that case you must stay with us for dinner."

I shift a bit. "I'm afraid I'll be intruding..."

"You won't." I turn my gaze. It's Viktor. He smiles, "Mother has already invited you in, so what are you worried about?"

I frown, "But you..."

"No buts. Come, the food will get cold this way. Kai," He gestures at the white-haired prince, "Pull up a chair for him."

I try to refuse. "Your Highness need not concern himself-"

Before I can finish the sentence, Kai has already pulled up a chair and ushered me into the seat while seeing to it that I have been comfortably seated. Then he squeezes the palm of my left hand and moves to his seat with a joyously signature 'smile'. I find traces of his practicing of natural smiles in the way the edges of his 'angry' smile soften.

...well. Whatever makes them happy.

Viktor pulls out a chair for the Queen Mother at the head of the table before sitting down himself. The servants file in with several covered dishes. The light from the candles' flames flash and dance on the silver spoons and forks neatly arranged at equal distances all around the table.

A cross between an uncomfortable cough and snort comes from my right. I glance that way to see Leonard trying hard not to meet my eyes. With my luck, I have somehow managed to score a seat with Kai on my left and Leonard on my right... Licht winks at me from across the table. 

It's been ages since I've decided that he's not at all a threat to his brothers, but his expressions make me feel discomfited sometimes.

The Royal Family begins to eat. Adele pleasantly surprises me with how well-behaved she is for a child her age. But then again, the princess has been taught table manners and proper conduct since she was a baby, so it isn't too outlandish. Kai quietly eats as well. Leonard... well, seeing him spear the shredded carrots and bell peppers at the tip of his fork like they've personally offended him doesn't come off as surprising anymore.

Licht is still staring at me with what he probably thinks is a 'subtle' gaze. I wonder how I'm supposed to eat like this, with someone staring like they're about to steal my food.

"Oh, right – Heine. When is Bruno supposed to return?" Viktor asks while leisurely wiping his fingers with a napkin. I furrow my brows, "In accordance to Prince Bruno's recent letters, he wishes to spend another month in Orosz before setting out on the return journey."

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